Chapter 2: Heaven

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➰ Avi's P.O.V ➰

I wasn't having a great time in Heaven. (Don't Blame Me On My Heaven Knowledge Cause I Obviously Haven't Been There Yet :/ ) I missed my friends and my family. But what I did, I don't regret it one bit.

Every night, I look below the clouds and see Sans staring at the moon. If there was only a way where he could see me, hear me. Cause every night, I'm talking to the moon. I can tell he is to. 😔

I was always alone. Never with anyone. Always alone. If there was only a way I could become a ghost, I could talk to Nastablook, I could see what my friends are doing, I miss them so much. If Only...

The nights pass slowly. The days pass just as slow for me. I have tried to break away from the clouds, but it's never happened. I don't bother trying anymore. It useless. But, I was determined this time. I jumped up, and pushed myself through the clouds. I pushed harder, harder... *WHOOSH!* I... I MADE IT!!! I was a ghost! I was in New York!

      "Hello?!" I called out, but no answer. Not even Nastablook. He must be a special ghost that only monsters and people can see. I'm an actual ghost.

      But still, this is pretty cool. I flew down to Sans and Papyrus's apartment, and saw Sans crying on Papyrus's shoulder. 😰

      "IT'S OKAY BROTHER, I MISS HER TO..." Papyrus said. Are they talking about me...?

      "Th-Thanks P-Pap..." Sans said, removing himself from Papyrus's shoulder. Papyrus tucked Sans in and left the room, closing the door behind him. I flew in through the open window and sat on the bed next to Sans and sighed.

      "I wish you could hear me, Sans..." I said, and kissed his forehead. He was staring out the window. I fell asleep next to him.

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