Chapter 17: Sans's New Sweatshirt!

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3 DAYS LATER... (Yes I'm Doing Time Skips From Now On!)

      Avi's P.O.V ➰

     I was packing up my clothes and stuff for our week in Disney! I was super duper excited for this! The gang was in the airport waiting for me and Sans.

      "You ready Avi?" Sans said while knocking on my door.

      "Almost! Just gimme a sec!" I yelled.

      I quickly packed my slippers and my headphones, charger, and I slipped my 100% charged iPhone 5C (Dunno Why I Added Those Details XD 😂) into my pocket, and grabbed my suitcase. I exited my room and nodded to Sans, who had a suitcase as well.

We took a taxi to the airport and met the gang there.

"Are we all ready?" Toriel asked us. We nodded.

"Then let's head to Disney!" Gabe exclaims. We cheer and run to the plane.

In the plane, there were 3 seats every row, so I sat next to Sans, who was in the middle of me and Gabe. The plane took off 15 minutes later.

"It's so pretty!" I said as I looked out the window, at the clouds.

"It's hard to imagine that I've been there before..." I sighed. Sans held my hand and I turned to him.

"Your not anymore, let's think of it that way." Sans said. I shrugged and leaned my head on his shoulder.

When we landed, there was a gift shop in the airport. I squealed in delight, and I ran into it.

"LOOK AT ALL THESE KAWAII SWEATSHIRTS!" I screamed, and held up a panda sweatshirt and looked at Sans.

"No." Sans immediately responded.

      "YES!" I said and threw the sweatshirt at him. Sans sighed and took his sweatshirt off and put this one on. IT WAS SO CUTE!!!

      "AWWW YOUR SO CUTE!!!" I squealed. He smiled nervously and blushed.

      "Hahaha!" Undyne laughed.

      "How about we take a break and explore the shops at the airport? That'll give us some time before the park opens." Toriel suggested. We nodded.

      Toriel went with Asgore, Gabe went with Alphys and Mettaton, Papyrus went with Undyne, and me and Sans went together.

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