Chapter 6: Chara's Witchcraft

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      ➰ Sans's P.O.V ➰

      No... No... No, NO NO NO!!!!

      "Hello lovelies." The person said. She then came into view; Avi...

      "A-AVI?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I screamed, tears racing down my face.

      "Let's just say I had a few, deals to make with my dear friend, Chara." Avi said. I shook my head.

      "F-FRIEND?! AVI HOW COULD YOU?!" Gabe screeched.

      "Oh Avi, they don't seem satisfied. Go show them what our friendship really is." Chara said. Avi then smiled and nodded.

      Avi speed to me and knocked me right of my feet. She grabbed the sword and attempted to stab me, but I rolled out of the way and quickly stood up. Papyrus ran in, but she whacked him in the face with her sword, making him fall back.

      "AVI STOP!" I said, tears still streaming down my face.

      "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU REALLY THINK I WANT TO?!" Avi screeched. She speed toward me, but I dodged and tripped her. Chara then ran in and shoved me against the wall. Gabe tackled Chara and they fought. Avi's eyes were glowing blood-red, as if they were being controlled...

      "AVI STOP!!! YOUR UNDER A SPELL OR SOMETHING!!! PLEASE!!!" I yelled. Avi just snickered and punched me, sending jolts of pain through my skull.

      "KYUNACHI UNITE INUTROLL MYSEA!!!" Chara yelled. Avi then stopped, and disappeared.

      "W-What..? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I screeched.

"Just something I learned in hell." Chara said. She smiled and pinned me to the wall, and made a force field around us.

"Now no one can stop me from killing you." Chara whispered. I was sweating, and thought this was it.

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