Chapter 12: Mettaton's Talent Show?!

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That's A Drawing I Drew From My New Book! ⬆️⬆️ Check It Out In My Works! Love You All!!!

      Gabe's P.O.V ➰

      I woke up the next morning sweating. I don't know why, but I was panting and sweating like a maniac. I quickly got dressed and headed to Alphys's lab.

      When I got there, Mettaton was there, posing. Ugh.

      "What are you doing here, Mettaton?" I asked him. He faced me and smiled. Alphys was trying her best to ignore him, and ran behind me.

      "Oh nothing darr~rling! I'm just here inviting Alphys to my talent show!" Mettaton said.

      "When is it?" I asked. Mettaton handed me an invitation. It said; March 17. That's next week on Wednesday! (Not Actually In Real Life XD)

      "You planning on coming darling?" Mettaton asked me. I shoved the invitation in my pocket and shrugged.

      "Oh, and tell Avi, Sans, and Papyrus that their invited to! Thanks darling! Bye bye now!" Mettaton said, and danced out the door. I facepalmed.

      "W-Well.. That was..." Alphys said, but I finished her sentence by nodding.

"Well, I might as well go call Avi and tell her the news." I said. Alphys agreed. I walked out and leaned on the wall, and got out my phone and dialed Avi's number.

Hey Gabe! What's Up?

✔️Hey, I just wanted to tell you that Mettaton is having a talent show March 17, and he invited you and the skelebros. Wanna come?✔️

Sure! And guess who has a new amazing punny skeleton boyfriend?!

✔️NO WAY! Sans asked you out?!✔️

Yeah!!! I'm so happy! I'll definitely tell them and I'll be there! Later Gebrial!

I can't believe Sans asked Avi out! I'm so happy for her! She deserves the best! I walked in and told Alphys the news.

"Th-That's great! I-I always knew h-he was gonna a-ask!" Alphys stated. I laughed and nodded.

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