Chapter 16: DISNEY FTW

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Yes, This Chapter Your Favorite Monsters And 2 Humans Go To Disney!!! This Chapter Is For pokemonlover2113 ! Enjoy The Chapter!

➰ Avi's P.O.V ➰

I woke up the next morning to a huge BOOM! I immediately sat up.

"Ah Papyrus! That's what happens when you mix spaghetti sauce with chemicals!" I heard Sans yell. I giggled. I jumped out of bed, got dressed into a long sleeved, grey and white striped shirt with baggy jeans and my slippers, and headed downstairs.

Sans and Papyrus were arguing in the kitchen, which was a mess. The stove had blown up! Sans and Papyrus's faces were black from the smoke. I fell to the ground laughing. That's when they noticed me.

"My "amazingly-smart" bro tried mixing spaghetti sauce with freakin chemicals." Sans explained. I continued laughing, tears forming in my eyes from the laughter.

      "HEY! THAT'S NOT FUNNY HUMAN!" Papyrus said. I kept laughing.

      "It actually kinda is bro." Sans said.

      "KINDA?! IT'S HILARIOUS!!!" I shouted. I then controlled myself and stood up.

      Riiing Riiing!

      That was my phone. I answered it. It was, Alphys?

Heya Alphys, why'd ya call?

✔️Oh h-hi Avi! Guess w-what?✔️


✔️T-Toriel got me, you, S-Sans, Papyrus, U-Undyne, Mettaton, Asgore, and G-Gabe tickets to D-Disney!✔️



      "What was that about?" Sans asked me.

      "GUESS WHO'S GOIN TO DISNEY?!" I yelled. They shrugged.

      "WE'RE ALL GOIN TO DISNEY!!!" I shouted.

      "REALLY?! WOWIE!!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE!!!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"Welp, if it's somethin to do then I guess it'll be fun." Sans said.

"Yeah that's the spirit Sansy!" I yelled and tackle-hugged him.

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