Operation: Canon (pt. 2)

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Violet: *with E.J, L.J, Masky, Hoodie, Liu, and Vannah, discussing evil plan* *BEN playing video games* Okay...so, this plan is simple. Liu, you will tie their hands together...Vannah, pretend to trip and push them together. If that doesn't work, Masky and Hoodie...you each will flirt with one of them, they are soon to get jealous and drag the other away.

*all of them nod*

Violet: *salutes them*

Liu: *hops on couch between Toby and Jeff, smiling* Hey, can you two help E.J and L.J with dinner? You know how they are in the kitchen.

Jeff: *sighs* Yeah, whatever.

Toby: *nods* Sure...!

*both go into the kitchen, standing next to each other and cutting vegetables*

Liu: *nods at Violet, sneeks into kitchen and ties their hands together*

Jeff: What the...? *lifts their hands up, eyes widen* LIU! *goes after him*

Toby: Wah! Jeff! Stop!

Vannah: *runs out, "accidentally" pushes Jeff over as she trips, making him land on top of Toby*

Jeff: Ow...*pushes self up, sees Toby, blushes* Uh...

Toby: J-Jeff...you're crushing me...

Jeff: *stands up, pulls Toby up and sits on couch with him*

Hoodie/Masky: *sits on couch, Hoodie next to Jeff and Masky next to Toby* *starts flirting slightly*

Jeff/Toby: *getting irritated*

Toby: *growl* *pulls Jeff away and up the stairs, since they're still tied together*

Violet: I can only guess what's going on...*smiles but shudders* Ask, Truth, and Dare us away! Bai! ❤

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