Meeting the Fam

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I don't own bh6! And just a reminder Siren is 16 therefore able to have a driver's license

Siren PoV
We walked inside and immediately understood why Honey liked this place. Much like herself, the interior and exterior were completely different. The outside looked like it belongs in the quiet Japanese countryside not a busy, upbeat, super high-tech city, like San Fransokyo. But the interior is much like the city, bright, colorful, and quite random at times. One of the people who we assumed worked here came over to us. 'I am very sorry but we're discussing a very important family matter right now and were about to close up.' He said apologetically. 'Ok we understand.' I said shruggingly, pulling out my phone. 'What are you doing?' He asked, sounding very nervous for some reason. 'Relax dude, she was just going to text our friends to tell them that you're closing up.' Mike said reassuringly, calming him down. He immediately relaxed and looked a tad embarrassed and guilty. 'Sorry, its just not everyone is exactly understanding and tends to just give us a bad review...what are you wearing?' He asked. 'Oh, our friend who told us about this place, said if you dress up anime style you can get your meal half off.' I said wondering what was wrong. I mean I've been in San Fransokyo for not even a whole month and I've seen Cosplayers everyday and no one bats an eye about it. 'It's just that the promotion about the half-off if you dress up thing didn't go out until just a few minutes ago, so only ones who should've known about it are family.' 'Well, I don't know how but apparently the word got out to my friend, Honey.' I said shrugging, turning around. The guy suddenly grabbed my shoulder. Out of pure instincts and muscle memory I did one of my best self defense moves, the 'half-judo hold'. Less than 10 seconds later I had his arm pinned to his upper mid back but a quick twist front my wrist could change that. And not only would his arm be pined between his shoulder blades, but also the twist would make it extremely pain. I quickly release him not wanting anyone to know about another one of the many things that makes me so unique. His shoulders were shaking as I attempt to apologize. 'I am so so so so SO sorry! It's just when someone suddenly grabs my shoulder, my first instinct is to defend myself...Sorry? Are you kidding me? Show me again?' I stare widen eyed as I realize he was just laughing. Suddenly I'm surrounded by a pack of little kids. They start firing questions all at once, vaguely reminding me of the hoard of reporters I faced earlier that day. Only these are smaller, cuter, and seemed a lot less vicious. 'What was that move?' 'Who are you?' 'Are you a black belt in multiple martial arts like Cho?' 'Do you know Honey?' 'Are you Honey's Boyfriend?' The last one started to really get to my wonderful big brother, so I decided to intervene. 'Okay, slow down one question at a time please. And as for your other questions so far: It's called the half-judo hold; I'm Helen but my friends call me Siren; yes, I'm a black belt in multiple martial arts; yes, I know Honey Lemon, since I just started at her school; and no, my brother Mike, here is not Honey's boyfriend, not yet anyway!' I said, winking at that last part, making Mike go red. He glared at me but I simply flashed him a cheeky smile. "So you're the new friends Honey was going on about." Cho' asked. 'I guess so.' I said laughing. Some of the laughed at my cheerfulness, while others just smiled. I felt a small tug on my skirt. I looked down, a little girl probably around 6 or 7 years old with bright blonde hair and almond brown almond shaped eyes was there. 'Um, Helen-sama, may I ask you a question?' She said shyly. I took her tiny hands into my own and knelt down so we can be eye to eye. 'There's no need for honorifics...' 'Kimiko, but most people just call me Kimi.' She said, then looked really confused. 'Hey, how do you know Chinese so well?' She asked. My eyes widened as I realized neither one of us had been speaking English at all just now. Stupid habit. 'My mother worked as a translator and would take me and my brother to work with her and teach us the different languages so we could understand what was going on.' I explained. 'Now I believe you had a question for me.' I said, hoping to change the subject. 'I have a few now.' She said, this time in slightly broken English. I internally wince at the effort she was clearly putting into speaking English. 'Ok, but before you do would you mind telling how many languages do you know and what are they?' I asked curiously, as she lead me to a table away from everyone else so we could sit down while we chat. I didn't want to look like I was trying to show off but, didn't want to make Kimi work harder than she had to. 'I know Jin and Wu Chinese, and hyoojungo and inaka-ben Japanese and I can sort of speak English but it's my fifth and is not my best language. I've been working on it mostly because the customers usually speak it. I can understand it and read it okay, it's just speaking it out loud is hard for me.' She said slipping into hyoojungo (or standard) was not Japanese. I nodded at this, very impressed at the fact that she seemed to be so young yet can understand almost 5 whole languages, and voiced this fact to her making her blush with my praise. 'Will you answer my questions now?' She asked, once again in broken English. I actually winced this time. 'Sure thing, but why don't you just speak Japanese since that seems to be more comfortable for you.' I suggested. She nods. 'How about for every question I ask you, you can ask me something.' She suggests, clearly more comfortable speaking what is probably her first language. I nod. 'Alright, fire away.' I said.

I ❤️💛💚💙💜 U MY ✨💎's 😉
(✨💎's = glowing gems)
🤓's RULES!
(🤓's= nerds)
Word count: 1089

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