Scene 54

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Scene the Dress Is Black and Blue!

*Recess in the courtyard, enter cast*

Jayden: *groans* Ugh. Oliver, why'd you sign me up for the school play?

Oliver: Cause, it's "Rent!" Sex, drugs and the AIDS epidemic! What's not to love? Not to mention that I have a recording of us singing "Agony" from "Into the Woods" on my phone.

Jayden: ... I hate you

Oliver: *splutters* Y-you h-hat-te me?

Jayden: *Flinches* NO! I-I don't! I was just joking

Oliver: Don't worry-so was I *laughs*

Jayden: I hate you... *grins cheekily* hey Oliver, for what you know-you're till a virgin right?

Andrew: *makes the "WTAF JAYDEN" face*

Oliver: You know my love life is pretty bland... No chicks in my bed-or dudes for that matter...

Andrew: *makes the "DON'T YOU DARE JAYDEN!!!!!" face*

Jayden: *smirks at Andrew then looks over to Oliver* did you want to come over and... lose it with me?

Andrew: *mutters* OMG Jayden-NO! Oliver will kill you.

Oliver: Gotta lose it sometime-why not.

Jayden: *completely baffled* WHAT?! Really? *hopeful*

Andrew: *Andrew has stopped functioning completely and just stare sat Oliver with his mouth open*

Oliver: No, it was a joke.

Jayden: Why do you do dis to me?

Andrew: *starts functioning and is back to normal*

Oliver: Okay guys. What class is next?

Andrew: *Groans* art

Jayden: I'll be able to finish my sketches

Andrew: All I do in art is draw fan-art and write fanfic

Jayden: sad life bro. But don't worry-we'll find you the right guy

Andrew: *face-palm*

Oliver: Just because you're gay Jayden-doesn't mean everyone is.

Jayden: I'm bisexual, and I wasn't saying EVERYONE was gay

Andrew: FOR THE LAST TIME-I'M NOT GAY! I. Like. Girls

Jayden: Okay then.

Oliver: What are you working on in art?

Andrew: honestly I don't know, I don't pay attention. Like I said earlier, fanfiction

Jayden: I'm focusing on people. Hey Oliver, wanna be my nude model?

Oliver: Jayden...

Jayden: *smirks* yeah?

Oliver: No.

Jayden: Awe bae

*girls enter*

Cadence: Did I hear my name?

Jayden: No, you didn't

Jackie: Yeah, I think he said "Maze?" Why would you be a maze?

Andrew: *mutters* Hehe, maze.

Oliver: Anything new girls?

Cadence: I had a few one night stands and you know... AFTER I got sprayed with a HOSE!

Oliver: When did you get sprayed with a hose?

Jayden: At the sleepover. After you walked off and Andrew RAN off.

Oliver: Oh, okay. That explains the puddle.

Jayden: You sure it was water? Knowing Cadence, after I left she could've done "something" in there

Andrew; *retches*

Cadence: Ew no, I didn't fuck anything in your garage!

Andrew: Oh thank-

Cadence: I fucked a pot plant outside.

Andrew: *goes green* I think I'm going to be sick.

Cadence: Prude much?

Oliver: Let's go to the nurse. Jayden? You coming?

Andrew: *starts laughing* ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I-I'm o-okay now.

Oliver: *Looks puzzled*

Jayden: *smirks and stifles a laugh* Well, he's good now. No need to do anything.

Oliver: *still confused* Okay?

Andrew: Olly, what are you drawing?

Oliver: *bolts toward the bathroom full speed*

Andrew: Huh?

Jayden: Fuck.

Andrew: What just happened?

Jayden: Let's go find out.

*Jayden & Andrew go into the boys bathroom and stop Cadence when she tries to follow*

Jayden: Cadence, no.

Cadence: Awe... *pouts*

Andrew: Cadence, fuck off.

*girls exit*

*End Scene*


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