First day (TAKE 2)

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Lunas' POV.
Why are we going to the strange room that smells like dragons I can't see? Where are the other dragons that I smell? WHERE ARE THEY? Poof. Oops. A plasma ball hung in the air. Sapphira patted my neck. We were flying to school, it was a part of the daily training regimen. Go outside the grounds after school, then come back in the morning. More plasma. Saphira groaned.
She said "Luna! Down!"
I did my species specialty descent. Quick. I landed quietly.... but my rider fell off. I warbled my concern. No response. Our bonds were stretching. I picked her up in my talons. I got to the courtyard before she began jerking. I set her down, holding on with my talons while hovering. I shot a red plasma. Help. That was what I signaled for. My riders' skin was turning black, just like mine. I noticed a pattern begin at her left arm and cover her body. Eventually, I ran out of energy, and firepower. I began making noise. Lots of noise! The headmistress came, and I held up my rider. She fainted. GREAT! My rider AND the headmistress are asleep! Oh well. "HHHHEEEELLLLPPPPPPP!"
Or inhuman...
Everybody came outside. I held my rider up. The medics tried to take her away, but I followed them. They hit me with a dart. I fell over. I lay there until they left. I saw Shinely grab my lead line. My head was yanking me away. I followed and reluctantly stayed in the stable while a stall was prepared. Shinely was comforting, but the stall was enraging. I warbled a plea for my freedom from my stall, but emptiness told me no. I found a window and talked to the dragon beside me. It was a water dragon named Tidal Breeze. We talked for hours. Shinely came into my stall, but he removed my tack. He hung it onto the wall. He ran a sponge over my body. Cleaning, he was cleaning my scales with dust protective guard soaps. They kept a dragons' appearance fresh, even if they haven't been touched in years. I warbled as he left. His cat form smiled at me. I walked around the stall, eating, and drinking. I began to cry, and nobody seemed to care. My demeanor changed as prospective students walked in. A young girl walked up to me. She asked Shinely if she could ride me until her dragon was old enough.
He shrugged and said "Her name is Luna. Her rider is in the infirmary from food poisoning. If you two can get along, you can ride her."
I roared my disagreement. Shinely hauled me into my crossties. I  was jumping, Shinely was saddling, and the girl was smiling. He lifted her on. I snarled at Shinely.
The girl said "What breed is Luna? I've never seen a dragon-like her before!"
Shinely began explaining what breed I was, while I snarled at him. The halter was replaced by a bridle. I tried to spit the metal out. It tastes awful! I began jumping around, and Shinely smacked my forehead. I jerked back. He changed the bridle for my standard 'Bit-free' bridle. It wrapped around my muzzle and looked like a standard bit bridle. I warbled and began warbling at the girl. She stroked my neck. I felt that I would be flying, so I stretched out my black wings. They touched the walls at halfway. I began to turn sideways, to allow my wings to stretch out fully when Shinely grabbed my reins and pulled me into the training ring. The door closed, and a simple course lay before me. A hoop, a set of parallel polls to fly between, and a bunch of vertical weaving polls. The vertical polls were meant to force a dragon nearly completely vertical, with the wings pointed straight down. This was a set of three. I would be able to do this easily with Sapphira. I wonder how she's doing...

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