Chapter 6

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Yeah yeah yeah I know I'm a terrible writer and can't keep up with my postings I'm really sorry Okay? I became a possum and got eaten by another bear...Word count will be posted at the end of the chapter!

Double D's POV

Nothing is as intense as this right now, we just got them out and now Kevin up to bat. These last three minutes are agonizing, the pitcher throws the ball, Kevin swung. "STRIKE 1!" the umpire's booming voice rang throughout the field. Kevin pulled his bat back while the ball went back to the pitchers mound. The pitcher wound the ball up and threw a fast ball, Kevin swung again and . . . . . *CRACK* . . . . for about 6 whole seconds the entire field was frozen, its a home run. "GO! KEVIN RUN! RUN!" Shouting from the benches, Sam trying to pull him back to reality. Kevin finally heard him and took off, rounding 1st and on his way past 2nd while the other team was after the ball. I was biting my nails as Kevin was dodging around the opposing team, he moved with intent to win in such desperation, but all at the same time he moved with grace and freedom. I was stunned to say the least, mesmerized, yes that's the correct word...mesmerized.  By him or his soul, I couldn't tell. I focused again on the game, more like him running the last stretch to home plate. This brought up some very old memories, ones of all the kids in the cul-de-sac...when there were no 'groups'...just us kids...all of us. Memories of tag games specifically, ones where he was running for home base, the safe zone. Suddenly screaming from everywhere, I surprisingly wasn't scared, the screaming was coming from everywhere, even from me. His feet were inches away as the last second on the countdown clock was turning to zero, at lighting fast speed or so it seemed, Kevin landed on home plate and the buzzer sounded throughout the stadium. The announcer's voice boomed over the loud speaker and even more screaming was coming from everywhere including me still, we had won!!!

3p POV

Kevin stood on the field smiling up into the crowd, his team mates ran up to congratulate him and each other as everyone on the bleachers began to spill out on the the field with so much excitement. Kevin searched the crowd of people for Double D, many people highfived him and said congrats but a flash of black and white hugged him tightly. Surprised he glanced downward to see the girl he was looking for with her arms wrapped tightly around his middle grinning wildly, he smiled back and put one arm around her as well while his other was a fist held as far as he could manage up in the air. The group of kids on the field gathered around the two neighbors and proceeded to cheer, Sam began to chant "Peach Creek Cobblers we're the best! Thanks to Kevin we beat the rest!" Soon the whole field was chanting along, a big white flash came over the crowd. A Journalist had taken a picture to run in his article, his name was Cameron Gunman.

Kevin's Pov

The cheering had calmed down a bit as the day began changing into night, after talking with the Journalist Mr.Gunman I began talking with my team and other friends, me and DD had separated and she was talking with some cheerleaders. They must have said something weird because suddenly her face started to turn reddish in color. I walked over to them and began talking with them all for a short wile, the whole time the other girls were giving me and her weird looks which I tried to ignore and DD glared slightly at. She seems comfortable with them to an extent, that's good. She's finally emerging from her shell. "Hey Double D, would you like to join all of us at the aftergame?" I hoped she would say yes, her eyes seemed to gleam happily but also showed uncertainty "I would love to! But...I have nothing to wear..." she sounded upset. One of the cheerleaders spoke up, the kinda chubby one. I believe her name was Teagan...probably."If I may cut in here, DD I have something you can wear if you'd like." "Oh! Are you sure T? I wouldn't want to be a bother!" Double D sounded happy and cautious at the same time "Of course doll!! And your not a bother I promise!" Teagan patted her shoulder lightly, I looked at Double D patiently awaiting an answer "Well then I guess I really can't say no can I? Haha, well then yes I will join you guys at the aftergame." She gave me a sweet smile, 'AWESOME!!!' "Alright well we gotta go get ready then!!!!" Teagan took Double D by the hand and began to drag her away while the rest of the cheerleaders followed and helped drag her away.  I watched them disappear as Sam came up to talk to me, but I didn't really hear him. Just bits and pieces like "Congrats dude" and "stalker much bro". Wait what? "huh? no!" my face felt slightly warm, what the actual hell is going on?! "Sure bro, so about that ride to the aftergame...I got gas money?" Oh he needs  a ride "Sure dude but just pay me later, I know you don't have the cash right now. I heard you had a date the other night" Sam sweat dropped knowing I was right, he always goes over the top for his girls "Yeah that ended in disaster haha" Thought so "Its alright man, lets go. We gotta get ready." 

~At Teagan's house~ (outfit link! > )

Teagan's POV

"Here try this!" Cindy tossed one of my small blue dresses at Double D, whose depth perception failed her as she fell onto her butt. One of the other girls spoke up before Double D had the chance to stand "Uh blues are not really her color Cind, no offense babe it just clashes with your eyes." Emily gave her a look of sincerity and helped her off the floor "Oh yes I know, haha. My aunt is always saying my eyes are just the right shade of green for blues to hate" Double D gave her a small smile "Here sweetheart try this dress" I handed her my red and black, checked skater sweater dress, and pair of polka dotted tights "My bathroom is the blue door right there, be sure to not trip or hurt yourself putting it on! Let us know if you need any help okay sweetie?" I directed her to the door as she nodded, pulling the door shut behind her. Emily pushed a pair of black, side zipped boots into my view "Momma wouldn't these look great with her outfit?!?" "Oh my Lord yessss!!! I totally forgot I had those!" The 6 of us spent the next 5 minutes going through my accessories and makeup to find just the right items and styles to complete Double D's look for the after game, just barely remembering to change and accessorize ourselves for the party as well. I almost missed Double D's soft voice from behind the bathroom door "U-um T-Teagan??" my eyes snapped toward the door "Yes darling??" Double D was hiding just behind the blue wood, peeking out only slightly, black beanie still atop her head. "Um I n-need a little help with the z-zipper..." I walked over to the bathroom and gave her a signal to turn around. I gently pulled at the zipper and hooked the clip together. I stood back and admired the very adorable Double D in front of me, who was messing with the hem of the dress. "Oh DD! Here try these on!" Emily handed her the boots and small accessories which included a yin yang choker, a black wing ring, black pentagram earrings, my leather gold winged watch, and a black crystal necklace. As she was putting them on I took a look at the time, 6:02, thankfully the party didn't start till 7:30. "All good? Everything fit right?" Cindy asked, Double D nodded shyly. "Would you mind if we did your makeup and nails? If not that's totally fine." Myah inquired  "Uhm if you'd like to I won't refuse, I'm not very good at that kind of stuff so yes please." I directed Double D to my vanity, sat her down and began pulling out the makeup we had chosen for her "This isn't going to hurt, right???" she was looking directly at my tweezers and eyelash crimpers "No darlin' you let me know first thing if it does okay? And don't worry we aren't gonna use those " I gave her a small smile as she visibly relaxed. Double D simply nodded and closed her eyes. I begun gently applying makeup to her eyelids, then to her lips and finally her lashes. "Alright makeups all finished, time for nails." I stood back "Em, would you do the honor of fixing her nails?" Emily's eyes widened as she got up and snatched the nail gloss bottles off of my dresser "Anyway I want right?!" I laughed " As long as DD loves the designs and colors." She fist pumped the air and began dragging out all of my glosses, showing Double D each color and design brushes. About 15 minutes later we were all finished and ready to leave for the party, I glanced one more time at the clock, 7:03, we had about 30 minutes to be at Kevin's house, which happened to be just around the block. "Well, we have about 30 minutes till party time so who wants to start a quick game of Mario Kart™?" 

Hey Passels this chapter currently has a whopping total of  1710 words in it!! I've really been working hard on adding more details and upping the word count so I hope it shows!!! I know that this chapter has been long awaited and I'm terribly sorry, I'm working hard to get the chapters out but it takes time so please be patient with me!! Make sure to comment on and favorite the chapters!! Love you guys!!! -TOKI <3

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