Chapter 2

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I love you guys, but I'm only updating because I'm stuck in ISS and have like nothing to story short a "friend" and I did something really stupid and I'm the only one who got landed with ISS :/ but alas time passes. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!!!

??? POV

I look up at the clock.  6 minutes. 6 more minutes until summer, I'm so excited, this is going to be the best summer ever, and I just know it!! I take a look around me scanning over my classroom and classmates, I see one of them stand. I look over to see who it is, just to realize its Double D. I looked back at the clock. 4 minutes, at this point people started to get out of their seats and wander around talking to one another. I was getting ready to get up to talk with my friends when I heard someone say "Hey Double Dork!!" I glanced over to see my best friend Sam chatting with Double D. What were they saying?? I got up from my seat and walked to the tissue box, which was fairly close to them, and pretended to blow my nose quietly. "So you gonna be at the game tonight?" Sam asked her. Oh the baseball game, that’s what they were talking about. Hmm it would be kind cool of her to be there I guess. I mean she's been to a few of them, but the ones she's missed are because of her friends Ed and Eddy. Honestly if she acted more like normal girls she could be a cheerleader. I went back to my seat and as I passed them I heard her say something about she might be there but she doesn’t know for sure because of Ed and Eddy. Man those two ruin almost everything for her; they almost made her fail a test. I took one last good look around the room; maybe I actually will miss this place. I glanced at the clock one final time, 2 minutes. I grabbed my bag and made my way for the side of the room, Double D and Sam passed me, with her saying something about getting trampled by a stampede. I don’t blame her; people are pretty crazy on the last day of school. The bell finally rang and the stampede of students burst out the door. I made my way outside to my bike, hopped on and took a look at the sea of kids swarming from the school. I grinned widely, and then rode off, I needed to get home so I could change into my jersey, pants and cleats, I really hope we win. It would give me something to brag about, tonight in our conversation. By our conversation I mean my neighbor and I.  She lives next door and we talk through our windows, sometimes we even sit in the tree that is in between our houses. It’s a huge tree and our houses aren’t really that far apart. I’m finally finished dressing I grab my team hat and I run down the stairs and into the garage, I grab my bike and head off toward the baseball field.

P.S. holy Hanna guys...1.5k views??? that's insane. thank you guys so much. do you guys mind that I do these weird? like each chapter is a different persons view point? should I not do that?? 

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