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Beware I don't know what I wrote in this chapter.


Third P.O.V

Max sad Ross lay on the couch, their legs all tangled up and holding each other in their arms. Tim got up sleepily and came out for breakfast. He saw the two lovers and smile, he snapped another picture and got breakfast. Suddenly Ross's breathing got really heavy and ragged. He then proceeded with a coughing fit, which woke him up.

Max heard this also and hugged Ross closer in a sleepy trance. Ross coughed for about two whole minutes, with little ragged breaths in between. Ross soon snuggled back into Max's chest, who held him tighter before. "I think we need to get coughing medicine." Max suggested, still half asleep. Ross nodded and relaxed his muscles.

Tim then got dressed and started to head to work. "See you guys later." He called out, "Hey can you get cough syrup please?" Max ask, his eyes glazed over with sleep. "Yeah and I'll tell Adam that you're both out." Max nodded as he shut the door with a soft click. Stretching slightly, Ross yawned sleepily.

Max chuckled and blinked the sleep from his eyes. He leaned down and kissed Ross on the lips. Ross smiled and returned the kiss. "How's my little narwhal?" Ross laughed weakly. "Still sick. I feel like death." Ross said snuggling closer to the warmth of Max. "Well at least your not." Max yawned started to shift out of Ross's hold.

Ross only hugged him tighter, whimpering loudly. Max looked at him, confused. "Something wrong?" He asked, slightly worried. Looking up at Max, Ross whimpered, "Stay with me. Please." Max smiled and snuggled back into the couch. Ross placed his head on his chest and smiled.

"Max?" Ross asked hesitantly. "Yes Ross?" "I'm sorry..." "About what?" Max asked, getting slightly annoyed. Ross was never sorry for things, with rare exceptions. "I got sick on our anniver-" Max cut him off sharply. "Its not your fault Ross, I never said it was. It was just nature and you had no control over that, okay? So please dont be sorry."

Ross started to tear up and max held him tighter. "Ross, I love you and we could have many more special days without it having it be a special day." Ross had a few tears slip down his cheeks. Max leaned down and kissed each tear with a gentle kiss. Ross let put a shaky sob. "Can I make it up to you?" Max shook his head. "No... its fine."

"Sorry that wasn't a question, I will make it up to you." Ross pushed max onto his back and hovered over him. "R-Ross what are you doing?!" Max said blushing darkly. "Making it up to you that's what?" Ross said running his hands over Max's chest. His hands went lower and lower until he felt the edge of Max's jeans that he slept in.

Max started to squirm slightly. "Ross stop, please.." Max whimpered softly. Ross ignored his pleas and started to tug down his jeans, throwing them to the floor. "R-Ross..." Max moaned as Ross started to palm him through his boxers. Ross then hooked his fingers under the strap of Max's dark gray boxers. "Ross please... s-stop..."

Ross shook his head and pulled off his boxers to show Max's member, hard and dripping precum. "Aww is someone needy..." Ross cooed, a smirk tugging at his lips. He met eye contact with Max, his eyes big and innocent which only turned Max on more. Ross then leaned down, keeping eyes contact, and licked Max's tip. Max bit his lip and held back a moan, his face bright red.

Ross then licked all 9 inches making Max moan loudly. Ross then took his tip in his mouth sucking slightly. Max gripped the couch tightly and moaned loudly. Ross took more into his mouth, loving how Max tasted. Ross sucked up the taste, the taste sweet but... tangy.

Ross then closed his eyes and focused on pleasing Max. He took all of his member in his mouth and started sucking roughly. "Ross...." Max moaned, his hand running though his curly hair. Ross started to bob his head, driving Max insane.

"Ross....ahh! Faster!" Max said tightening his grip on Ross's hair. Max started to breath heavily, sweat rolling down his body. Ross then started to lick his member roughly. Max panted loudly, warmth spreading through his abdomen. "Ross I'm gonna...!" Ross took him whole once more.

The warmth of his mouth drove Max over the edge and he came with and arch of his back, screaming Ross's name. Ross tried to swallow Max's white liquid but some of it came dripping out of his mouth. Ross then leaned up and kissed Max. Max licked up the extra cum from Ross's mouth. Both then pulled away panting.

"Did you enjoy your payback?" Ross said slightly raspy. "Fuck Ross...." Max said kissing him again. Max broke the kiss and slipped on his boxers. "I love you Max." Ross said laying back down. "I love you too."


A few hours later, Tim came home with the medicine. "Thanks Tim." Max said taking the bottle. He had put a new pair of pants on a while ago. "Hey Tim can you get me some Gatorade and Ginger Ale? Please?" Tim groaned. "Fine." He left seconds later. "Okay Ross, medicine." Max said putting the medicine in a huge spoon. Ross shook his head as Max came closer.

"Ross now? Please!" Ross shook his head no. "Ross please!" Max sat next to him. "No I don't want to." Max huffed and took the medicine himself. He then kissed Ross quickly which made him gasp. Max then opened his mouth and let the sweet liquid into his mouth. Max pulled away as Ross swallowed the liquid and gasped.

"That was no fair!" He yelled, angry. Max only chuckled and kissed him again. "I hate you." "I love you too little sloth." Ross grew red. "I'm not a sloth!" "That's right, your my sloth." Max kissed his forehead lovingly."


I feel very productive today. I am happy. I'm thinking about just doing office people fan fiction. Like Jin, Sky, Barney, Tim-Tim, and so on. How does that sound?

Kitty out! =^.^=

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