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??? P.O.V

My eyes started to droop with tiredness as my hands loosened their grip on the wheel. I was pulling up at a red light and was pushing in the breaks slowly, almost coming to a halt. That's when a shatter of glass woke me right up. I was lurched to the left and my seatbelt rubbed against my neck tightly. I heard the screeching of many wheels being put to a sudden stop.

Then another jolt sent my car toppling over. I gasped for breath as I tried to undo my seatbelt. I managed to get myself unbuckled with the little amount of energy I had left. Pain course through my body, making it hard to move. The top of my car crushed me down so I hand barely and wiggle room to get out. I felt cuts linger my body and a few things broken here and there. I whimper and try to get out of the crushed automobile. I felt myself start to black out, either from lost of blood, sleep, or because I had no energy left, I could not tell. The last thing I remember is seeing many bright white lights, as well as red and blue.

Third P.O.V

Adam and Jin entered the offices happily, talking about the trip. They both then walked to their offices to see Ross and Max asleep. Max was laying down on his back while Ross was laying, stomach down, on top of Max. Max had an arm draped over Ross's back protectively. A blanket covered both of them, their soft snores filling the room. "Aww......" Jin said quietly. Adam then took out his phone and snapped a quick photo. "I'm not posting it cause I dont want Max to hurt me." Adam said, responding to Jin's warning glare. Jin then walked over to both of them, shaking both. "Guys, time to get up."

Ross whimpered and snuggled into Max more. Adam took another photo as Jin shook harder. "Guys please." Max grunted and tightened his grip on Ross, as Ross lifted his head. "Wha-?" He asked cutely, rubbing his eyes, getting used to the light. "Time to get up." Jin said sweetly. "Five more minutes." Ross mumbled and faced the couch. Jin looked at Adam and shrugged. Adam then pulled Jin aside. "I got a plan." He said with a giant grin.

About five minutes later, Barney, Adam, Jin, and Tim, all came in the same room Max and Ross were sleeping. They all held air horns in their hands. Adam then quietly moved the white table that sat in front of the couches in case anyone got hurt. Adam then held up three fingers. He put one down as he mouthed 'Two'.  Another finger went down and he mouthed, 'one'. Once the last finger was down a loud noise erupted through the room causing Max and Ross to jump.

Both sets of wide eyes landed on the four men now laughing their heads off. Max used his elbow to prop him up while Ross had placed his hand on the left side of Max's head, the closest to the back of the couch. Once the laughter had died down Ross let out a broken, pitiful whimper. He then laid down next to Max so now his skin had contact with the couch. He lay on his side, facing the guys. Max lay behind him, his arm draped around his stomach.

"Times to gets up!" Barney said happily. "No....." Ross whined. "I don't feel good...." Max snuggled closer as to say 'its okay'. "I feel horrible too." Max said. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad." Jin said. As a responding answer Ross's eyes widened. He threw off the blanket, wiggled out of Max's hold and rushed over to the nearest trashcan. Which was actually the trashcan they had used for the smoothie challenge. Ross then spilled last nights dinner into the trash, earning a flinch from everyone, the sound was sickening. Quite literally.

After a good solid minute Ross lifted his head slightly. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily. He then fell to the floor whimpering softly. The four of them gave him pitiful looks. "Okay, no work for you Ross, and Max. Since you slept with him, I'm going to assume you have it as well, were not taking chances." Adam said. Both Max and Ross nodded. Max then got up and picked up Ross. He then laid him on the couch. Max just sat next to him. "I dont think he's in any condition to go home." Ross whimpered and snuggled into Max's hold. All four guys tried to think of solutions. "Well you guys can't stay out here, some of us can record." Adam stated. "What about making Ross's office a bedroom? Just take out the chair and you have enough space for a small bed." Tim suggested. Everyone seemed to agree, since this was the only idea.

"Max you well enough to do that?" Adam asked nervously. Max nodded quickly. They all smiled and headed to their offices. Max then laid Ross down on the other couch while he moved all of their blankets, pillows, clothes, and other belongings to Ross's office. Once everything was made, Max picked up Ross, bridal style, and carried him to the makeshift bed. Ross smiled gratefully up at Max as he laid him down. Max smiled back and moved Ross's office trashcan closer to him, just in case. Ross relaxed and closed his eyes, trying to overcome the feeling of puking once more. Max sighed and slipped on a new shirt. Ross had also thought of bringing extra clothes. He is the sweetest isn't he?

"Heys guys, have yous seen Reds?" Barney asked walking into the editors room. They all shook their heads, confusion sparking in their eyes. Barney looked everywhere and asked everyone but no one knew. "Try calling him." Adam suggested. Barney nodded and dialed up his number. Barney paced around his office while Adam stood in the doorway. The call rang five times before going to voicemail. "Hey Reds, its Barneys. You comings to work todays? I reallys hope you didn't sleeps in. Calls me backs when you cans." Barney then hung up. "I'ms worried Adams." He said slipping the phone in his pocket, looking at his friend.

"Don't be, I'm sure he's fine. Something probably came up and he couldn't tell anyone cause it was so sudden." Barney nodded, thinking this was a good excuse. Usually he would get mad at people for not showing up at work or not having a good excuse to miss it, but this time he wasn't mad, just worried. "Please comes back Reds." Barney whispered to himself getting ready for a video in five minutes.

Lunch soon rolled around and Adam, Jin, Barney, Tim, and Cory went out to eat at the mall. Barney was silent the whole trip. Sometimes he would mumble to himself but no audible words came through. Everyone was worried for him and Red. What could have happened to him?

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