Mithross: Vampire Trouble

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Ross crossed his arms as he faced away from Max. Now the two looked like a normal couple but Max was actually a vampire. He didn't show it very much but sometimes the inner monster would break out, like this time. Max had accidentally turned KP in a vampire cat when he was on a midnight hunting spree.

"Look I said I was sorry." Max said sadly. "No, you know how much KP means to me.." Ross said sadly. Max sighed. "How long are you gonna stay mad then?" Ross looked over his shoulder and gave Max a glare. "Oh I'll show you."

Ross then proceeded to march upstairs and into the bathroom. Minutes later he came down, arms crossed. "What did you do?" Ross only stuck out his tongue to show the ginger the three silver piercings in his tongue. Max stiffened, his eyes widening. Ross darted his tongue back in his mouth. "Babe... come on..." Max begged. Ross only stuck out his tongue again. Max whined softly.

"I'm doing this cause you pretty much killed KP..." Ross said uncrossing his arms. "Well I'm sorry I was hungry." Max snapped at him. "You still hungry?" Ross said in a light tone. Max hesitated but nodded. "Fine, let's go eat."

Time Skip till they're in the parking lot~

Ross parked the car quickly as they pulled up to the restaurant. "Okay, close your eyes." Ross said happily. "Okay?" Max said hesitantly but closed his eyes and got out all the same. "Okay you can open." Ross said as he walked towards the restaurant. Max opened his eyes and saw the Italian restaurant, Olive Garden.

"Are you fuckin with me?!" Max yelled as Ross walked toward the building. "Oh right! You don't like garlic! Sorry!" He said with a laugh as he walked inside. Max groaned and sat in the drivers seat.

After about and hour Ross came back and sat in the passengers seat. "I'm sorry... how about we go to the carnival and just relax." Max said. "Okay fine, I'm sorry."

One getting to the carnival Ross really wanted to go on a ride. Max agreed and closed his eyes. "Okay now stay here until I say you can open your eyes." Ross then ran off into the ride. "Okay Max you can open." Ross called out, his voice distant. Max opened his eyes and didn't see anything. "Ross where the fu-" realization hit Max and he figured out he was in the hall of mirrors. "Ross I'm gonna fucking kill you!!" Max called out.

After what seemed like hours in the maze Max managed to find Ross and pull him out. They both went to the car and sat down angrily.

It was a quick, quiet drive home for both of them. Once home Ross sat on the couch and Max at the kitchen table. "I'm sorry..." Max said quietly. Ross sighed and stood up. "Clearly not." He said coldly. "Well you got your revenge!" Max said angrily, standing. "Yeah and I'm gonna keep doing it cause KP means a lot to me!!" Ross said getting closer. "I know it was an accident!!" Max said getting inches from Ross. "I know but you still-mmph!" Ross said surprised and Max leaned down Max kissed him.

Ross relaxed and closed his eyes, letting his anger drip away. Ross wrapped his arms around Max's neck while Max rested his hands on Ross's hips. Soon after they broke the kiss. "I'm sorry...." Max said. "It's okay, I bet KP is the same." He said with a smile.

Max then grew a smirk on his face. "How about we go into the bedroom and finished what we started?" Max whispered in his ear, gently biting it. Ross giggled softly as his fingers ran through Max's hair. "Sure, I'd love to."


I have made perfection.

Also who wants to see an adorable video of my friends pug?

Stay awesome, stay strong, stay beautiful ~ Maddy


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