Redney: Underwater Love 3

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Reds vision started to waver as it slowly got darker. His blood spilled into the ocean steadily, making him very weak.

Barney swam quickly, trying to get him to his home. He was very skeptable on anything, considering it was still surprising to him that he found a merman. But surprise filled him as he saw faint lights filter though the water.

Red snuggled into Barneys chest, feeling greatly protected by him. Red flicked his tail slightly, a small amount of pain spreading though his nerves.

Barney soon swam closer to the lights and was amazed to find a whole city. The building seemed to be made of perfectly formed coral and accent parts of long lost city. Barney had a little trouble making it through the streets but soon managed to make it to the market place. Barney looked to his left and saw a beautifully formed castle, lights shining brightly. He smiled but soon grew worried, who in the world could help him with Red, he needed attention fast.

His problems were soon solved when he heard a shrill voice sound through the water. "Red!!" Two merman swam up to him. "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" A meraid with a red tail came swimming up. Reds eyes flickered open. "Hey S-shelby..." Red said weakly. "Shubs what are yo- oh my god!" A merman came up next to Shelby. He had a black tail and a light gray fin. "Okay, you, Max and Red will go to the castle." She said directing her attention toward Barney. "And you guys will go to the castle and get help. I will gather the others." Shelby said swimming off into the city.

Max nodded and looked at the human before him. "Let's go," Max said taking off towards the castle. Barney quickly followed, having a bit of trouble by managed to make it to the large castle steps. Max quickly opened the large doors and let Barney in.

Quake and Sparkles looked up from their conversation on their thrones and saw the scene before them. A human holding their bleeding child while one of his best friends followed behind. "Red!!" Quake yelled with worry as she pushed herself off the chair and was over by Reds side within seconds.

"Max take him to the infirmary, now." She said, her voice strong but filled with worry. Max nodded and carefully took Red out of Barneys grasp. Soon Max disappeared down a hallway. Within seconds of his departure, Barney was throne up against the coral walls harshly. He started to thrash around but quickly stood when something sharp touched his throat.

He opened his eyes to see the kings eyes bore into his own. Hatred and fore burned within them. A golden crown lay upon the black hair. Barney then looked to his right and left, seeing two long golden rods pierced through the coral firmly. He soon relied the king had a trident, the middle prong being the shortest, that being the one touching his neck.

Barney gulped now relizing he was trapped. "What did you do to him?!" Sparkles said angrily. Barney wanted to speak but his voice was stuck. Without a quick answer, Sparkles drove the trident closer to his neck, making the coral crack a little. "Sparkles! Get away from him and let him talk!" Quake said surprised yanking the trident out of his hands.

Barney took a deep breath and started to relax. "Your son was not hurt by me. He was hurt by the captain of my ship. He ended up getting caught in the fishing line and we pulled him up. I don't know why our captain reacted like he did but I saved Red as soon as I could." Barney said quickly, afraid of being hurt. The king didn't seem to be content with that story but Quake seemed more relived about it.

"Thank you so much." Quake said, calming her breathing. She looked to Sparkles, waiting for him to say something. "What?" He asked, slightly annoyed. Quake looked at him with an astonished look. "I'm not thanking him!" He said angrily. "If it wasn't for him, your son could have died!!" Quake yelled at her husband.

The sure shut Sparkles up. His face softened as he thought about the other outcome. "Thanks." He mumbled and then quickly dove away down the same hallway Max went down.

Quake sighed and watched him go. "Im so sorry about that, hes just very protective." Barney laughed softly. "It's fine, I just wish my father was that way. Even a little." He said with a smile. Quake smiled back. "Well you need somewhere to stay huh, I'll show you to your room." Quake said taking off down a different hallway. Barney followed at a slower pace.

"Thank you so much for what you have done. It means so much." Quake said swimming casually down the hallway. "It's fine, honestly." Quake smiled at him, he quickly returned it. "Quake!!!" A voice yelled that made Barney jump. Both of them turned to the end of the hallway to see a small group of merpeople swim towards them. Barney had a tough time identifying any of these people but assumed that these were also some of Reds friends. "Where's Red?" A merman with sunglasses, black tail and very curly brown hair came swimming up to the queen. "Hes in the infirmary." She said calmly. The group nodded and bolted down the hallway once more.

The two laughed once left alone again. "Those are his friends and they all look out for each other. Such great friendships." She said thoughtfully as they continued down the hallway. Barney smiled happily as they made it to a large staircase. "Why do you guys build staircases but never use them?" Barney asked as he watched Quake.

"Well we like to keep some aspects of the land down here, it kinda shows how fancy we are too." Ahh I see." Barney said with a smile. They soon made it to the very top of the stairs and walked down another hallway. "This is your room." Quake said opening a dark wood door. Barney walked in and was amazed at the size. "Thank you." He said, looking out one of the windows in the room. It was a perfect view of the city. "If you want to go home, some of us will escort you back up to the surface. You were lucky to come down here unharmed."

"I don't want to leave." He said with a smile. "Y-you dont?" She asked surprised. "No, I don't. You see, I'm not staying here because your kind are merpeople. I'm staying here cause well.... I love your son." Silence rang through the water, as Quake blushed. "You do?!" She finally said happily. "Y-yeah I do." Barney said with a nervous laugh. Quake then squealed and hugged him tightly.

"Sorry, it's just really cute." Quake said sheepishly. "It's fine." He said blushing. "Well I should let you get settled, and proably to sleep. You have had a long day. Oh, and don't worry that thing in your mouth works all the time." She said kindly. Barney nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

And with that she closed the door with a soft thud. Barney then looked back out of the window. He saw the many flickering lights of the city. He smiled brightly at the sight. He then sat down  on the bed and sighed. He didn't notice how tired he was until he let his muscles relax. Then memories and questions started to flood his head. He sighed and laid down upon the soft sponge bed. Letting sleep overtake him.


Whoo!! It's done baby!! Sorry it's a little late but I am suck today so I have a lot of free time. But I hope you are all well.

Oh, and I'm really bored and it would be nice to talk to someone, if you have time that is. Just direct message me and it will make my day. :)

Stay awesome, stay strong, stay beautiful ~ Maddy


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