Five Nights at Skymedia Part 2

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Hey guys!! So glad you guys liked the last version of this story! So i decided to make another. Im super ecited about this part, I really like it. Thanks fictioneers!!


Ross sat up sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. He looked around his blue room, his eyes making out fuzy images. Then it hit him; "Today is the party." He quickly got dressed in a black and gray striped shirt and blue shorts.

Ross grabbed Golden-zan and went out to the kitchen. He grabbed a granola bar (I almost put apple again but after last time i dont think thats a good idea XP) and went out to the living room, walking towards the front door. John and Shelby were both waiting for him by the door. "Happy birthday Ross!!" Shelby said happily. Ross smiled and finished up the quick snack. "Thanks Shelby!" He said, his mood getting better.

Ross looked up at John as they walked out to the car but he didn't do or say anything. They all piled in the car and drove to Ross's birthday party, Fredbear's Pizzeria.

As soon as they all got out John quickly noticed all his friends inside. Jin, Adam, and Red. "Hey guys." John said as he stood next to his friends. "Hey." Adam said "Wanna get some tickets?" John asked. Jin didn't replied But he held up a bunch of tickets in his hand. John laughed and smiled.

Ross held on to Golden-zan tighter as he walked into the restaurant. He instantly spotted his best friend, Jess. She was holding a big purple balloon. He walked toward her and sat down at the table. "Hey Jess..." Ross said happily. "Hey Ross, happy birthday!" Ross smiled, "Thanks Jess."

"Hey Ross, can I ask you something?" Ross looked at his friend. "What is it?" Jess looked embarrassed but said it anyway. "Why do you always carry around Golden-zan?" Ross hugged him tighter as she finished. "He keeps me safe..." Jess nodded. "I was just wondering." She then looked towards the stage. Ross followed her gaze and say the two animatronic robots he knew by heart.

Golden-zan and SpringBonnieBop. Both looked like humans but but they both had purple bow ties and purple top hats. Both had golden ears, SpringBonnieBop having bunny ones and Golden-zan have bear ones. They both wore their signature outfits, the color slightly fading. Golden-zan held a microphone while SpringBonnieBop held his gitiar. Both were singing a song and their bodies moved with slight hesitation.

Ross looked back at Jess, letting out a sigh. "Hey do you want to play some games and earn some tickets?" Jess asked with a smile, gripping the balloon string tighter. "Sure, let's play Pac-Man." Ross said getting up, Jess following.

"How are sales going for tokens today?" The voice scared Emily, making her jump. "Pretty good sir, pretty good." Emily was in charge of the prize counter for the day. "It's Husky, everyone here just calls me Husky." He said with a smile. "Right sorry..." She said sheepishly. "It's fine, you've only been here, what, a few months? We haven't really talked much but hey I'm happy to get to know you." Husky said happily.

John and his gang walked up to the stage. He scoffed at the animatronics. "My brother is wasting a good Saturday with this crap..." John said getting on the stage. "Hey kids! Get away from there!" Husky snapped at the gang. "And dangerous, their in automated mode right now. Can you please go back to your tables and enjoy the show from there?" Emily said. "This place sucks bro..." John said, jumping down.

"Little shits..." Husky mumbled. "But hey, thanks, maybe you see a promotion in your future." Husky said smiling. "Thank you sir, err, thank you Husky." "No problem Emily, you stick by me I'll stick by you."

"Haha! Did you see that shit?!" John said near the prize counter. "Yeah man, what a loser." Red said, agreeing. "This place sucks, the only good things here are the masks." John said as he watched Jin buy some with the tickets. "You what Bonnie or a Foxy John?" Jin asked, right after he threw Freddy to Adam, and Chica to Red. "Foxy obviously," Jin threw him the mask and then wore the Bonnie mask. "I tore the one that Ross had." John said proudly.

"Aww did he cry?" Adam asked in Ina teasing voice. "Yeah did he cry?" Red asked as well. "He always cries man, he always carries that stupid bear with him, it's like his cry teddy." John said crossing his arms. "A cry teddy?" Jin asked, clearly surprised. "He never grows up" John rolled his eyes. "Well I know how we can make him grow up." Adam said with a smile. "How? He always keeps that stupid bear with him, he never grows up." "Well John we just make him grow up, you know with the robots on deck." Adam said pointing towards the stage. John followed his gaze. "Hehe, fuck yeah."

"Is that a plushtrap?" Ross asked, looking at the other prize counter on the other side of the pizzeria. "Yeah but their like a thousand tickets, we cam pool together if you want." Jess asked. "Yeah that might be fun." Ross said happily. "Hey loser, happy birthday!" John said coming up next to Ross. "John stop." Ross said facing his older brother, taking a step back. "Yeah John stop, he's gonna cry, hehe." Red said laughing, coming up behind Ross.

"John stop, I'll tell mom." Ross said, trying not to stutter. "If you wanna keep that bear you won't tell mom shit!" John said, getting angry. "Guys knock it off its Ross's birthday!" Jess said getting defensive. "Shut it you little bitch, I can't belive you need a girl to defend you Ross." Adam said, coming up next to Red. "Wow your brother is a crybaby isn't he?" Jin said, filling in the last space. "Why don't we let him give Fredbear a kiss, he'll love it!!" John said happily. "No please!!" Ross said, tears starting to form.

All four of the older boys grabbed Ross and carried him to the stage. Ross ended up dropping Golden-zan in his struggles. "Please stop!!" Ross yelled as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Hey kids get away from there!" Husky yelled. "Emily, Emily!!"

"On three guys." John said with a smirk. "Hey kids get away from there!!" Emily yelled. "One, two three!!" John yelled. "Please John I'm scared!!" Ross yelled, his hands touching the cold metal, his head inside Golden-zan's jaw.

Then a giant crunch filled the air. Ross let a out a gasp that filled the silent air. Everyone watched as blood dripped down Golden-zan's jaw. "Ross...?" Shelby said lightly, he voice almost breaking, tears starting to form. Then commotion started to freak out. "Shit man shit!!" Adam said loudly. John just looked at the scene before him in shock. The crew backed up a few steps. "What did you do?" Red asked in horror.

"I... I didn't mean to! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!!" He said lifting the Foxy mask up.


I hope you guys enjoyed this thrilling chapter!! I'm so happy you guys wanted more of this I really like this story. Oh! And I introduced a new character and I want to see you guys try and guess what animatronic they would be. I'll see you next time fictioneers!!

Stay awesome, stay strong, stay beautiful~ Maddy


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