Wonho and Youngjae

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You turned around quickly and saw a tall dark shadow leaning against the tree in front of your apartment building. You held you keys tightly in your hands ready to have to fight if the person attacked.

"who, who's there?" you stuttered trying to hide your fear in your voice.

The person chuckled and stepped forward toward and came into the street lights. You squinted your eyes and you saw none other than Youngjae's roommate and band mate Jaebum.

You sighed with relief knowing that it was someone who wasn't going to hurt you and said, "jesus JB what the hell are you doing?"

Jaebum chuckled again and said, "I think the real question is what the hell do you think you're doing? Everyone has been looking for you, Youngjae has been calling you nonstop for crying out loud. And then you have the nerve to let that guy answer and tell Youngjae you're busy and then hang up? Do you know how scared that made Youngjae, he thought you were taken!"

"What are you talking about? What is the big deal of me being out with someone its not like me and Youngjae are even dating, he has no reason to be like that to me!" you argued back.

"(Y/N) that's besides the point! Youngjae had something planned for the two of you that's why he told you he was busy. He came over here to surprise you cuz we got back early. Can you imagine if it had been him here instead of me?" jaebum yelled walking towards you.

You didn't say anything. This wasn't fair Youngjae couldn't just do these things. You rubbed your temples feeling a headache coming from all that had just happened tonight. You looked over again at jaebum and before you could say anything you heard a voice yell your name.


You turned around and saw Youngjae running towards you, his face was dripping with sweat and he was out of breath. Youngjae ran up the stairs to you and pulled you in tightly in a hug. His breath was heavy and it seemed like he was about to cry. You couldn't move your body that was being weighed down by guilt you just stood there and let Youngjae hold you till he finally pulled back and held your face in his hands.

"God I was so worried about you, I thought something had happened. i came here when you didn't answer your phone and when you weren't home I was so scared something happened. oh my god (y/n) you don't know the horrible feelings I've been having." Youngjae explained through his heavy breathing as his gentle eyes stared into yours.

You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. You had a not in your throat and you knew if you tried to speak you would end up breaking down there right in front of him.

"Hey Youngjae, we should go." Jaebum said now breaking the silence that was weighing heavy.

"I think I should stay; do you want me to stay?" youngjae asked holding onto your shoulders.

"Youngjae, we need to go, now." Jaebum ordered grabbing onto youngjaes arm and pulling him away.

You let your head hang. You were filled with guilt and sadness, you couldn't bring yourself to look at the man you had cared and clearly would do anything for you.

"(y/n) do you want me to stay?" Youngjae asked trying to get you to look up at him.

You finally took a deep breathe and said "You should go Youngjae."

Youngjae stayed staring at you for a while and turned and looked over at Jaebum and asked, "What's going on?"

"Let's go Youngjae now." Jaebum commanded pulling Youngjae down the porch away from you.

Youngjae unwillingly followed along with Jaebum. You quickly turned around and ran into your apartment and slammed the door closed. You pushed your back against the wall and slid down as you finally broke down. You covered your face in your hands and cried into the late hours of the night.

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