Unsure Feelings

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You walked with wonho down the street, it was a bit cloudy out and the smell of rain was in the air. It wasn't supposed to rain today so you both thought it would be fine to walk to a nearby restaurant to get a quick breakfast. Wonho was walking beside you every once in a while glancing over at you and smirking.

"What?" you finally asked as you were stopped at the crosswalk.

"Nothing," Wonho said pushing his lips together trying not smile.

"Stop looking at me like that weirdo." You teased giving him a slight nudge.

"Like what, I don't know what you are talking about." Wonho argued pushing you forward as you both started to cross the street.

You laughed to yourself and just kept walking.

"You look pretty." Wonho whispered shyly.

"What did you say?" You asked not hearing him.

"Nothing, just go!" wonho encouraged now feeling a bit embarrassed about what he said.

You shrugged your shoulders and you guys finally arrived at the restaurant. Wonho quickly pulled the door open for you to walk in and he followed after you. You both found a place to sit and the waiter came over with waters and menus. You both looked at your menus feeling a bit awkward about the situation. You knew you needed to talk and figure exactly what was happening between you two but, you didn't even know what was happening.

You heard wonho clear his throat and you glanced up at him over your menu. His messy hair was just over his eyes as they were scanning the menu. His eyes were still a little puff from being sleepy and he kept playing with his lips showing how nervous he was. You smiled slightly and wonho glanced up at you meeting your eyes. You quickly pulled your menu back up and acted like you hadn't been staring at him.

Wonho chuckled to himself, put his menu down and took a drink of his water. You glanced up at him again and he was watching you read your menu.

"What?" you asked a bit nervous trying to hide your face.

"Nothing," wonho sighed as he leaned back stretching, "So do you know what you want to get?"

"Uh, I'm not sure I am thinking just some ramen." You answered peering through the menu.

"What? ramen for breakfast?" wonho asked surprised.

"Hey technically its noon, plus today just seems like a ramen kind of day." You argued closing your menu glaring over at him.

Wonho let out a laugh and said, "No I was just teasing, but to be honest, I was actually thinking about getting ramen."

"Shut up you're messing with me." You said leaning back crossing your arms and glaring at him.

"No I'm serious you can ask any of the guys I live in the dorm with, I love ramen." Wonho explained leaning forward.

You laughed and put your elbow on the table and placed your chin in the palm of your hand. Wonho kept eye contact with you, you both seemed to stare into each other's eyes for a while until the waiter came back to take your order. You both had ordered the ramen but you decided to get different kinds so you could share with each other.

You both had talked for a while, wonho listened to you intently watching you closely as you overdramatically told crazy stories. He laughed about how loud you would get and when you would realize you were being loud and getting stares from people he would whisper to you to keep it down. You would quickly cover your mouth and wonho and you would both start laughing.

The waiter brought your ramen over and you both got your chopsticks ready to eat, wonho quickly took a huge bite not even bothering to cool down the hot noodles.

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