Part 23

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It had been a few days since the guys had left for Busan. Wonho stayed at her apartment, he didn't do much of anything and usually ordered take out. He would quickly clean up after himself and put everything back to the way it was.
He always thought she would be coming home and then see the mess he had made and then yell at him. He was finishing watching a show on television when he decided maybe he should go out at least tonight.
He pulled on his jacket and shoes, he made sure he turned off everything in the apartment then left. The snow was falling heavy tonight, Wonho zipped up his jacket and started to walk. The night air made him relax, although it was cold he almost felt relief when he left the apartment.
Wonho walked his same route, through the park and to some local restaurants. He of course kept an eye out for her, but would never see her. Wonho found a place to get something to eat and he walked in, the lady greeted him and Wonho seated himself at a table towards the back.
Wonho ordered ramen and he pulled off his jacket, he searched his jacket pockets for his phone but it wasn't there. Wonho thought back, he left it on the counter to charge. Wonho shrugged it off, it's not like she would call anyways.
Once Wonhos food came he began to eat, he stirred his ramen with his chopsticks, but he couldn't bring himself to take a bite. Wonho thought about how having ramen with her, he sighed and forced himself to eat.
Wonho looked out the window and watched the snow fall, the white snow with reflecting off the lights from the buildings looked beautiful. He pushed his ramen aside unable to eat anymore.
He looked around the restaurant, there were couple together enjoying each other's company. Wonho watched one couple in particular, they looked like a new couple, he would tease her and she would giggle and playfully hit him. Wonho started to remember their first date, well it didn't seem like a date at the time, it was as though they were the only two in the world.

Wonho sighed, he pulled out his wallet and laid money on the table, wanting to just leave the place as soon as possible. He quickly put on his jacket and made his way out of the restaurant. The cold air hit his face and Wonho quickly zipped up how coat and started to walk. The streets were clear of anyone else, Wonho made his way through the same park, there was fresh snow and Wonho took a step into it. He lifted his foot and stared down at his footprint, Wonho kicked the snow and then decided...
He turned around and let himself fall onto the snow, the flakes tickled his ear and Wonho closed his eyes. No matter what he did, he would always think of her, Wonho hit the snow with his fist. 'Just for 5 minutes stop thinking about her, she's not even thinking of you,' Wonho thought to himself.
"Wonho?" Wonho heard a voice.
Wonho quickly sat up and looked up to see Youngjae, Wonho sighed.
"What," Wonho asked.
"What are you doing?" Youngjae asked as he shifted his weight.
"Laying here, what do you want?" Wonho asked as he stood up and brushed the snow off of himself.
"Nothing, I was just walking by and," youngjae started, "have you found her?"
Wonho bit his bottom lip, why was he even trying to act like he cared, he wasn't the one who was spending so much money to keep her apartment, he wasn't going out and losing sleep looking for her.
"I'll take that as a no then," youngjae replied as he turned away from Wonho.
"Hey!" Wonho called to youngjae.
Youngjae stopped not even turning to wonho.
"When she comes back, I need to know that you will stay away from her, I need to know, that you will let us be," Wonho said as he balled his fists.
"I am not going to promise something like that, because from what I've seen of you," youngjae responded then turned to wonho, "you don't deserve her,"
Wonho clenched his jaw, he hated that no matter what youngjae would be there to possible ruin things. Wonho turned away and walked back to her apartment, it wasn't worth fighting over right now, the only thing he needed to think about was getting her back.

Wonho made it to the apartment, he unlocked the door and pushed it open. He quickly took off his wet shoes and hung up his jacket, he made his way to the bedroom and started to peel of his clothes to take a warm shower.
Wonho started the shower and the steam from the hot water started to warm his cold body. Wonho stepped in and let the water hit him, he shivered at the sudden change of temperature but he soon adjusted.
Wonho didn't want to use her stuff but he hadn't brought anything of his because he really didn't even think he'd be staying this long. Wonho could smell her sent as he poured the shampoo into his hand. He paused, he couldn't do this. Wonho let the soap wash down the drain, he turned off the water and got out of the shower.
He wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way to the kitchen to make him some coffee. Wonho started up the coffee pot and then glanced over at his phone, he turned on the screen and saw he had missed calls from Hyungwon and Shownu. Wonho ignored it and continued to watch the coffee slowly drip into the coffee pot.
From the corner of his eye he saw his phone light up, Wonho glanced at it again and saw it was Hyungwon calling again. He ignored it and reached up into the cabinet to grab a coffee mug. Wonho set the mug down and checked on the coffee again.
Once again his phone lit up this time it was a text, Wonho picked up his phone and read, "call me back it's important"
Wonho sighed, he turned off the screen again hearing that the coffee was done he poured himself a cup and made his way back to the bedroom and put his clothes back on. He ruffled his wet hair and picked up his coffee, he walked back out to the living room and sat down on the couch turning on the tv.
Even though the tv was on Wonho could still hear his phone vibrating on the counter. Wonho tried to ignore it again, it would stop but then once again it would start to vibrate again.
Wonho finally put coffee on the table and stood up, he made his way to the counter and picked up his phone and finally answered it.
"Geez what is it?" Wonho asked impatiently.
"Wonho what are you doing I've been trying to call did you listen to any of my messages?" Hyungwon asked almost as if he was out of breathe.
"No, What is it what's going on?" Wonho asked.
"She's here... Wonho, she's here!"

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