Chapter 10

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My heavy eyes want to stay shut and my body wants to continue sleeping, but my brain knows that can't happen. As much as I would love to sleep in all day, I have another exiting day to spend with the boys and El. But I'm really only looking forward to spending more time with Niall. Don't get me wrong, I like the other guys too but I mean after last night, Niall is my main focus even though I'll be spending time with everyone else too.

I sit up in my sleeping bag to find that Eleanor is still asleep. Great. I could have slept longer. But I guess it's good that now I can have a little head start.

I take out my ponytail and brush my hair, realizing how disgusting it is from swimming and not taking a shower. I should probably do that, so I need to wake El up. Gently.

"Eleanorrrrr, Eleanorrrrr" I whisper in a barely audible, soothing voice.

"Mmhmnnhmmmmm" she groans as she stretches her arms out and runs her eyes open.

"What time is it?" She yawns.

"Um," I say as I check my clock, "10ish."

"Why did you wake me up so early?" She pouts.

"We need to take showers. We never did after we swam in the lake, remember?"

"Good point. Lets go." El and I grab our toiletry bags and clothes and make our way out of the tent and towards the showers.

"So, where did you go last night?" She asks me. Of course.

I remember what Niall told me yesterday about telling her that I went to the bathrooms, and try to use that as my alibi. "I had to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry I woke you." I say quickly to get the topic out of the way.

"Oh, you didn't wake me I just heard it in my sleep. No big deal. Why didn't you wake me to come with you it's kinda scary."

"Oh, it's nothing I found my way there and back really quickly." I say as we approach the bathroom/shower house I suppose.

"Okay then. See you in a few minutes!" She says as we make our way into the separate showers.

I turn on the water to find that it doesn't get very hot, which is slightly disappointing but I turn it up as far as it can go as I start to shower. I make it an extra point to wash my hair throughly, because I hate when my hair is gross. After that, I use some body wash and I'm done in a matter of minutes.

I dry off, put my clothes on and wrap a towel around my soaking wet hair. I step out by the sinks and El is already there getting ready to dry her hair. And I thought I showered fast. She gives me a smile and I plug my dryer in and dry my hair, nothing fun.

We both finish at about the same time and El puts her hair in a side braid an I keep mine as is. My hair is naturally straight so I just keep it like that usually. I put on some light makeup and El does the same. Honestly, she's so pretty she doesn't even need any.

"Done?" She asks me.

"Yeah. Do you think the guys are awake?" I ask her as we make our way back to the tents.

"Oh, don't worry we'll wake them up." She says, grinning evilly.

When we got back to the tents, none of them seemed to be up, so we're going to wake them up. Our way.

El motions towards Niall and Louis tents first, and we sneak in as quietly as possible. I know from being Louis' best friend that he is a very heavy sleeper, and I think the other boys are too.

I take Niall and El takes Louis, gosh, he's even cute when he's sleeping. I'm turing into a really creepy person. Once we finish our work, we move to the other boys tents. Now all we have to do is wake them up.

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