Chapter 17- You Missed Silly

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*** Jen’s P.O.V ***

“We’ve come too far to give up who we are so let’s raise the b-,” My alarm clock started but was cut off by me picking it up and turning it off.

“God damn,” I moaned sitting up rubbing my eyes.

 I looked around the room and took in my surroundings. I turned my attention over to the window and saw that the sun hadn’t even risen yet. I kicked my legs over the side of the bed and placed my feet flat on the floor, standing up as I was silently cursing.    

 “Why did I agree to take the first shift,” I asked myself as I shuffled across the floor and into my bathroom.

I stripped off all my clothes and started the water for my shower. Once it was warm enough I opened the curtain, stepped in and then closed the curtain. The warm water cascaded down my chest and stomach as I closed my eyes ducking my head into the water. I slowly ran my hands through my hair making sure it was wet. Then I turned around opening my eyes and grabbed my shampoo squirting it into my hand then distributed it throughout my hair, cleansing it. After that I turned back into the water spouting out from the showerhead and closed my eyes washing it out.

Once I did the rest of my cleansing I jumped out of the shower and got my work clothes on. I’ve been working at the nursing home for four weeks now and it’s been going great so far. I actually made one friend there. He name is Virginia and she’s beyond awesome. Sometimes she’s the only thing that gets me through my day, I mean it’s kinda hard to see some people’s conditions.

“Hey Virginia,” I said walking into the nurses station with two coffees in my hand.

“Hey Jen. Another tough night or,” She asked as I handed her a coffee.

“Nah! I just stayed up late talking to Tuukka,” I replied.

See, the only time Tuukka and I have to talk and hang out is after my work which is around five. I work like a 10 or 11 hour shift Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. On Tuesdays and Saturdays I have off. Usually I’ll spend Tuesdays with Torey and Dougie, who has become less shy and then on Saturdays I spend time with Tuukka of course! But out of the four Saturdays that I’ve had off I’ve had to go to work on two because one of the patients keeps having freak outs causing the need of extra staff. Tuukka has seemed to be ok with it but I think that he’s starting to get sick of me being called in on our day.

“Oh that makes sense,” She told me as she leaned back in an office chair in front of the nurse’s station desk.       

“Yeah,” I replied and yawned.

“Jen take it easy today. You don’t look too well. We don’t need you getting sick ok,” Virginia told me as she studied my tiredness.

“Alright! Will do! I’m gonna go get some patients ready for their breakfast’s,” I replied as I started walking down the hall.

“Alright! But like I said ‘Take it easy!’”

I only nodded in return and made my way down the hall to wake some patients up.

“Diana wake up,” I said loudly to one of the patients.

She didn’t move.

I could see her chest moving up and down in a steady motion so I checked her pulse.


I checked her blood pressure.

As if it never existed.

I quickly ran back to the nurse’s station.

“Virginia! Diana is unresponsive,” I informed motioning in the direction of Diana’s room.

Virginia quickly jumped up and ran down the hall into Diana’s room. She did the same things I did and in the end she put Diana on oxygen.

After Virginia called her family, her and I did the rest of our duties, and of course checked in on Diana and her family every once in a while. 

    “Hey Tuukka,” I greeted him as I opened my door.

“Hey there Jen,” He replied pulling me into a tight hug.

“Well remember Diana,” I asked pulling out of the hug and closing.

“Uh Yeah! She was the one who hit on me when I brought you lunch that one time right,” He asked pulling me down on the couch and then into his lap.

“Y-Yeah. She doesn’t have much time. A week’s top,” I replied looking down into my lap to find that I was playing with my hands.

“Oh Jen. I’m sorry I know how much you enjoyed having her around,” Tuukka informed while wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

“I-It’s not only th-that. Sh-she reminds me of how my grandmother used to be. A-And I miss her a lot Tuukka! Do you know how hard it is to practically relive one of the worst parts of your life again? It’s so hard to see a family go through exactly what I went through. I-I just mean this is so ha-,” Before I could finish my sentence I started crying my eyes out. I dug my face into Tuukka’s chest.

“Shh Jen, it’ll be alright,” Tuukka whispered into my hair and rubbed my back.

“I-I’m sorry,” I sniffled pulling my head from his chest as tears still ran down my cheeks.

“No, I understand you need to cry it out and that’s what I’m here for Jen. And I’ll always be here for that no matter what,” He said and kissed my cheek.

“You missed silly,” I said looking into his eyes and grabbed his face pulling his lips to mine.

I’ll tell ya it was a good kiss. And it was with someone I actually had feelings for.

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