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Part 1 : confession(?)

♥Sujeong's POV♥

Today.... my friends Kei, will confess her felling to her crush! Jimin. I was so excited when she told me about it.>.<

I was hide behind a big tree near to Kei and Jimin so I could hear what were they talking about....

And... Ouh sorry but let me introduce myself^^. My name is Ryu Sujeong! I am at the first year at the my High School. My personality is bright , positive and a bit clumsy hehe... but if I'm being serious, dont even try to disturb me. I am just an ordinary girl that like to know about love and life but my parents was have a cafe that famous with the dessert that was their handmade we have many cafe at the seoul. I really like a cute thing>\\\<. Ahh~ I also one of the group called Lovelyz^^ many people called us queenkas but I think I'm just an ordinary but the other member was so rich huhu. They didnt like to gain popularity just because they are rich or something. Aah~ Just forget about my intro and lets just hear what they are doing..

"Hmmm What was the feeling when we fall in love? I really want to know it...." I mumbled slowly.

"Do you really want to know? Then... Date with me." Someone said it to me.

I was so shocked when I see a guy figure beside me. It was..... taehyung?! What was he doing here?!
He smirk to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I want to know too if they will be a couple or not.... and Jimin is my friend you know?"

"Ouh ok annyeong! I have something that I have to do..." I quickly go from there and go to my classroom.

I can saw he just smirk to me from there.


"Yah~ Kei ah! What about the confession? Is it working?! Did he accepted you?!" I excitedly ask her><.

She make a sad face to me.
"He.... jus-"

"Did he not accepted it? Yah! I want to punch that guy! Why he dare to make my Kei sad?" I said to her while slap the desk slowly.

"Can you please dont cut my word?! Let me talk first!".

"Sorry I was just to excited><"

"He was accepted me! He said that he likes me too!" She said happily.

"Really?! Uwah~ I want to be fall in love too.... It must been cute right?" I ask her.

She just smile to me.
We just about to continue our chat when....

"Kyaa~!" I hear many girls screamed and I just ignore it.

"Wait..... isn't that Kim Taehyung? From next class? What was he doing infront of our class?" Kei ask me.

Kim Taehyung?

I quickly turn around to see the my class's door and I see that he make a sign to me to come to him.

"I have to go for a while" I said to Kei and she just smile and raising her eyebrows to me.



"What are you doing right here?" I ask him.

"I just want your phone number." He make an innocent face.

"Why?" I ask him again with a straight face.

"Isn't I was your boyfriend? So it was a normally thing to give me your phone number." He smirk.

"No way! And Sorry because I didnt have any smartphone. And you are not my boyfriend either!" I glared to him.

"Really? Hmmm... I love you Ryu Sujeong! Ok now I am your boyfriend right? Give me your phone number" He smirk to me.

"I dont hav-"
♪Ah-Choo! neol bomyeon jaechaegiga naol geot gata neoman bomyeon haejugopeunyaegiga cham manha....♪♪♪

What the?! Who's the one who calling me?! I saw yein smile at me, did she... I take out my phone and Kei ahh!!!

"Give me your phone" he take my phone and call his smartphone from mine.Then, He return it back to me.

"Thanks!" He smirk to me. And he just go back to his class while waving his hand to me.

Is that guy was a jerk?!!! How dare him?!!!

As I return to my class, I saw Kei was giggled and continue it with a laugh.

"Come here you!" I hit her hand with my notebook that I take it from my table.

"Auch...! Its hurt you know?" She touch her hand while pout.

"Why did you call me just now?" I ask her.

"Hey sujeongie~ you want to lied right? That's why I called you so that you will become a good person>< why did you had to lies about it?" She ask me.

"I dont know but... what if he make a bad thing with my number? What if...... what if... "
My head thinking about many bad things right now.

"Arasseo sujeong ahh calm down... but dont worry I dont think that he's that bad though^_^..." she comforting me.

I just smile and try to calm down... but what will he do with my phone number?.

~Did y'all like this story?
Here the Second book from this cheerful Author! Hehe...
Want to know what will happen next? Hehe then, please help me and Vote for this story~ also comment too if you had anything want to say annyeong~ ppyong~~~


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