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Part 2 :message and letter

~★The next day★~

★Taehyung's P.O.V★

I Just woke up from my sleep at look at my cellphone. 6 AM? Its too early to prepare for the school-_-'. Aha! I have a good idea. I monologue with a grin on my face. I open the contact in my cellphone and search the name of 'Bbangdeok Sujeong'. I name it because of her chubby cheek. It was cute so that I want to pinch it><...

Once I saw her contact... I text her some message.

Yah Ryu sujeong! Wake up... are you still sleeping? What a bored life... lazy girl!

After a few minutes, she replied it.

who are you? How can you call me a lazy girl when I didn't even know you?!

I just smile when I read it. I just replied it and want to tell her that I'm Taehyung but it will be fun if I dont tell it right? Heh...

I was your secret admirer^^ dont ask me who am I because I will tell you when I want to.

♥ You are my secret admirer? Hmmm ok then... what was your nickname? So I can add you in my contact. I want to know you better and maybe we can be friends?. ^^

Wow.... did she didnt have any clue who I am? Seriously? I have a luck then. I look at the time at my phone and it was near to 7:30 so I just replied to her and go to my bathroom.

Ouh... My nickname is V and nice to know you too. Sorry sujeong sshi but I have to go to the school!. Thanks for accept me to be your friend.

After I took my bath, I can saw that my phone recheived a message.

♥Same with me too, if you didn't mind, can I know that where are you studying at?.

★I was at the same school with you^^... annyeong sujeong sshi•_<.


(♥ = Sujeong
★= Taehyung/V)

Now its time to go to the school and see her. I quickly take my bag and go down the upstairs.

"Good morning Omma! Yein ah! Where's abeoji?" I said as I ruffled my sister's hair. And I take a seat beside her.

"Oppa~! Why did you ruffled my hair? You messed it! Appa go to his office just a few minutes before you go down! You're so slow!" She said to me while pout.

"Hehe... But why did you dared to talk like that to your elder? Aigoo this kid!" I hit her hand who was about to taking the bread lightly.

"Ouch! Oppa!~ go away! Just sit overthere!" She sad with a angry face.

"Aigoo this two kids! One just about to goes 20 years old and one was about to goes 18 years old! Can you two just take the breakfast quietly please?"
Omma said to us and shook her head.

We just smirk to each other and smile cutely to our beloved omma.

"Nothing to do with you two..." She just sighed.

We just laugh and eat our breakfast fastly as we realized that there were about 30 minutes until the school's bell rang. Yeah... we like to go late to the school.

"Seo hoon hyung! Was the car already arrive?" I ask our butler.
Butler? Yeah, if you ask me... actually we were a rich family but we just like to life like ordinary family. I also one of the kingkas group member that named Bangtan Boys. The group was the top 7 guys who the popular and richest in school.

"Nae Taehyung sshi. You has to faster a bit and you could go to school before the bells rang^_^." He said to me.

"See oppa? Seo hoon oppa also thinks that you're a slow guy!" Yein stick out her tongue to me and quickly go in to the car...
I have to be patient with her behave -_-'.

I quickly tied up my shoelace and got into the cars too. I also had a chat with my cutie sister Yein.


I goes to my locker to take my shoes and after I opened it, many letters falls from my locker.
Again? Why always everyday like this? Now, I had to pick it up fastly.
(You want to know what letters is that? Of course it was love letter from her fans! >< hehe.)

This thing will just wasting my time...
But when I picked it up, I saw a cute letter that interest myself to read it. It was without any full name but it was written L.R.S.

Who Is It? L.R.S?

When I was about to open it, The bell suddenly rang.
What the?! I take the letter and LRS letter, I keep it inside my bag. Better go now or I will get punished with that Lion Teacher! I ran for my class.

Fuhhh...Gladly that the teacher were late come to our class today.

After a few hours we had to focus at that bored class, Its time to go to the cafe since it was a recess time.
I stretching my arms and put my books to my bag. And I realized the letters.

Aish... I forgot to dumped it all! Maybe I should be a good boy and just read the letters... Maybe....

I take out all of it and read one by one the name who gave it to me...
But still.... that L.R.S's letter still make me interest on it.
When I open it, I can smell the Vanilla-Strawberry's scent from that letter...

Wait... this scent... was same with her...

~Sorry if the story was bored huhuhu but tq for reading it! I hope that you will like it! Sorry again if I update it too slow -__-' and got many typos or grammar error><.
Who'd you think that LRS? haha did you already thought about it? Just wait~~~^^

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