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#At's Music Intrument's Club~

♥Sujeong's P.O.V♥

We had a chat and practice our skill's on our instrument.
And after that, Our teacher's of club, Ms Rin,  tell us to gathered and we just obeyed it.

"Okay guys~ Next week, after the school's holiday ends, you know we will had what right???."

"Festival~~~~~!!!" We cheering.

"Yes that's right so, our class had to perform at that festival also with the others from dance and sing club so for our club, we had to choose 3 person. So anyone want to volunteers???" Ask Ms Rin.

"Me!." I raised my hand.

"Okay Ryu sujeong shhi and??."

"Unnie~~~ come on!. Lets participate on it~><" I shake Jiae unnie's arms.

"I want to joined it." Said Yoongi Sunbae suddenly.

"Aish.... why he want to join it too?!." She shrugged.

"Please unnie~~~ lets joined it~~~><" I'm making a puppy eyes to her.

"Okay fine...=_=. Ms Rin! I want to join it." Said Jiae unnie and raised up her hand.

"Yeay unnie! Thanks!!!." I'm hugging her.

"I joined it because of you but if I'm thinking it again... ergh..." she shrugged and I'm just chuckeld.

Honestly I'm weird with Jiae unnie, why did she hates Yoongi Sunbae that bad? Hmm I l'll asked her later maybe.

"Nae~ So Sujeong, Jiae and Yoongi please go to the hall for the prepare and I heard that a group from dance class already there. So good luck for the performance~^^" Ms Rin smiles and we goes out from the club and goes to the hall.

"Sujeong ah why did you want to joined this performance? I'm lazy tho.... " askes her.

"Hmmm I dont know but I love to perform hehe. Its make me to feel more confindent on myself. Oh! Yoongi Sunbae, why did you want to joined it?." I asked Yoongi sunbae who's walking beside us and just heard our conversation.

"I dont know... maybe I want to be same like you, gained some confident to perform." He smiles.

"Ah... So yoongi sunbae--"

"By the way just called me oppa since I'm older with you and maybe it'll feel more comfortable to speak." Said him and I just nodded.

"Thanks Oppa yeah its feel more comfortable though^^" I smile back to him.

"Ah wait why did that hall's door was opened?." I asked when the three of us almost arrived at the

"Aren't that Ms Rin sad that Dance club's people already been there?." Said Jiae unnie.

"H... thats right hehe." I smirk and we goes inside the hall.

All of them I mean dance club's people had already been there.

"Wait! Isnt that was our member?." I asked in joy.

"Sujeong ah/unnie! Jiae unnie~~~" Said Mijoo and jisoo unnie and apporaching us.

"Hey guys.... wow its like that we've been planned it right?." Said Yoongi oppa and he highfiving his member.

Wait isnt that was Taehyung? What????! Him again?! >\\\<

"Why are you looking at me like that? Well~ I'm too handsome to lookin' at right?." Said Taehyung and he grinned to me.


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