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Part 3 - who is it?.

Sujeong POV♥

I was heading to my school while thinking about the message.

Who is it? Is it a Stalker? Pervert? Or what? Just.... I don't ever give my number phone to anyone except my oppa and appa. Wait.... except for this guy too...

I smirk heh....
I just notice that I was at the school when my driver, KimJun oppa said to me that we have reached at the school. I smile and thanked to him. I enter the school with a book in my hand.

I go into my class and saw someone who was have a chat with his friends. He was my tablemates and he was very loud! It was my cousin, Jungkook.

Can he please stop it? Laugh loudly and disturbed my studying with throw a paper that crumbled to me?! He is just too much!

I glared at him while take a seat at my chair. I just continue my reading in my history books.

Yeah... my classmates called me a bookworms but do I care? It's better than just gossiping or fooling around at the class right?.
I just continues my concentrate as our teacher was come and started to teach us..
..(Sorry~ Autornim will just skip this class hehe•_<)

Finally the class ended... Hmmm I just got a message from Lovelyz that Soojung Unnie or as known as Babysoul unnie had called us to go to the rooftop. Maybe I will go after I finished my reading. I take out my book and starts to reading...

And again, someone threw a crumbled paper at my head. Ergh... I look around and I saw that taehyung smirk at me.

Ouh..... its him...

I continue my reading.

Wait.... what?! KIM TAEHYUNG??!!!

I turn around my head again.

What was he doing here? In my class?.

I stand up from my seat and go to him.

"Taehyung sshi. What are you do right here? In my class?" I ask him.

He turn his face to me, smiles and continue chat with jimin. Aish this guy-_-'. Did he want to make me feel annoyed?.

"Yah! Kim taehyung... do you hear what I ask?" I raised up my voice a little. I cant focus on my reading if he continues to disturb me.

"Calm down sujeong ah~ I just came here because I had a free time and also the bells do not rang already right?" He smirk.

Tsk... I just stare at him and go back to my seat. When I was a about to seat,


"Ouch! Yah!" I heard someone laugh loudly as I fell when someone pull my chair.

"Hahahaha!" He laugh to me. It was Taehyung and I know that he was the one who do that to me.

I just can't control my anger so I took my history book and hit his hand that at my chair hardly with it.

I go out from the class and go to the rooftop. Because there was a place that I really like Also I just remembered that Soojung unnie sent a message to meet up at there so I just go than I stay at that annoying class with taehyung in it.

As I open the door I saw lovelyz.
I smile to them when they look at me. But wait... I only see 6 girls infront of me. Where's mijoo unnie?.

"Where was mijoo unnie?" I ask them as I take a seat behind kei.

"Like always you know~ she will been here in... 3... 2...1.... tada~"
As jisoo unnie said that, she point at the door and someone open the door. Ah... It was mijoo unnie hahah! What a telepathy.

"Yedeul ah~ sorry for late hehe" she said as catch her breath. I think that she was ran from her home until here.

"Why did you take too much time? Did you sleep again at the class today?" Soojung unnie ask her with a angry voice.

"Mianhae unnie~ I was practicing my dancing all the night and doesn't noticed that it's already 3 AM hehe. So I could'nt from slept during the class hehe..." Mijoo unnie said while scratching her neck.

"Why did you call us to meet up at here unnie? Did you want to talk about something?" Ask MyungEun unnie.

"Yeah, I want to ask about the next week holiday, what about we have a trip together? Dont worry, I will pay for the flight."

"Jinjja unnie?! You want to pay for all of us?!" Asked our maknae yein shockedly.

"Yah~ did you forgot or what? Our soojung unnie's father was have a big travel agency in korea. You little kid." Jiae unnie said while chuckeld a bit.

"Oooouh~ mianhae unnie I just forgot about it hehe." Yein chuckled.

"So, where did you want to go?." Soojung unnie just shook her head and ask again.

"I just want to go shopping and walk around at seoul. So we can buy anything. I want to buy some books for my readings." Said jisoo unnie.

"Yeah~ Why dont we just go shopping at the mall together for this holiday? And study together^^." Jiyeon unnie said with an excited voice.

"That's a good idea too! So did anyone agree?."ask Soojung unnie.

"Yes!" Anyone said excitedly and we planned to go to many place as the holiday was for a week hahax!. I was the excited one too.
.~ -What about this part? I'm really sorry if this chapter was so lame. But you know? Dont be a silent reader.... I was feel so sad about that!. But tq for reading it>\\\<

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