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#The Next Morning~~~

♥Sujeong's P.O.V♥

I quickly run to the rooftop of our academy as soon as I reached the academy.
Yeah... even it was a School Holidays, we had to attend the additional classes for the school's holiday and also our club activities.

As I opened the door, I can see 7 girls, and 6 boys chatting with each other. They stop their action and look at me.

"Yah Lovelyz! Why did you guys leave us at the mall yesterday?!." I asked them without stops.

"Hey~ calm down Sujeong ah~ its just that all of us had something important task yesterday." Said Kei and all of my member nodded.

"Did you think that I'm that stupid to trusted you?." I crossing my arms.

"Hey~ Okay fine, we just lied okay? We always been there with you and Taehyung at the movie too we sat behind you by a few seats.... We also had there when you and Taehyung at the arcade place. Hehe seriously you didnt regonize there's girls voice cheering you up when you win the game?. " explained Kei and my members chuckled.

"Yeah~ we already be there when the two of you at the game arcade. Seriously the two of you didnt regonize us?. " Said Jungkook and chuckeld.

"Seriously all of you! Why did you all leave us?."

"Hmmm want to see the two of you had a nice date." Said Kei.

"What?! Me and Taehyung?!." I make an annoyed face.

Yeah! Why would I and Taehyung had a D.A.T.E???!.

"So... that was why all of you leave us huh?." I heard Taehyung voice and all of us look at the door and saw Taehyung apporaching us with an evil smirk.

"Erk... Taehyung ah... " Said Jimin and after a few seconds, Taehyung make a headlock to Jimin with his arms.

"Its hurt!.Okay! I'm So-sorry!." Said Jimin while struggling to escapes from the headlock.

"You...." Finally Taehyung let him go.

"All of you seriously....."
Said Taehyung while give a death glared to them.

oh gawd... He's gonna explode after this I think?.

"Hey! Honestly you're happy right?" Asked Jin Sunbae trying to calming down Taehyung.

"W-why would I?!" Said Taehyung.

Did he blushed? I think that I can see a faint blush appeared at his cheek.

"Ouhhhhh Taehyung oppa was blushed huh?." Teased Yein.

"Shut up you little kid." He glared at her.

"Okay okay..." Yein just smile.

Suddenly the bell rang and we had to attend our club right now.

"Hey! Lets go Mijoo ah! To our club." Said Hoseok Sunbae to Mijoo unnie.

"Eoh... kajja." Replied Mijoo unnie and took her bag.

All of us were wearing our casual clothes since its just activities club right?

"Hey wait for me!." Said Jisoo unnie and quickly stand up.

"Hmm I think that we had to go too right Kei?." Said Jimin to Kei as he and Kei was at the same club.

This was the list.

Singing Club : Kei, Jimin, MyungEun, Soojung unnie, Jin Sunbae, Namjoon Sunbae.

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