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Sujeong's P.O.V

"Sujeong ah~~~ wake up!." Someone shakes my body.

I just shrugged. And she continues to shake it.

"Nae omma.... what is it?." I opened my eyes and asked her.

"Didnt you had to attended your class right now? For festival preparing maybe? Or what do you called it..."

My eyes widen.

Oh my!!!!!!! I forgot about that!!!.

I quickly stand up and goes to my bathroom and preparing myself.

"Nae omma! Bye bye!." I quickly hug and waved to her and quickly run to my school as I know that KimJun oppa had sent appa to his office.

"Oh my! I'm late!!!." I quickly run while looking at my wristwatch.

"Hey! Want to joined?."

I'm shocked when I heard a guys voice and its Taehyung, with his bicycle and he stopped beside me.

"No thanks!." I just continue to run and he cycles beside me.

Oh my.... he's seriously annoying.

"Just go on. Its annoying when you ride beside me=_= " I make an annoyed face.

"So what? Like I care heh... so want to joined?." He just asked the same question.

"No thanks!." I'm quickly run since its just have 5 more minutes before my class had starts.

"Hey come on... dont be so stubborn..."

"Okay fine... but please dont cycle it too fast or....... Kim Taehyung!!!!."

He cycle as fast as he can and after a few minutes, we arrived at the school's and we both goes to the hall.

"Sujeong ah! You're late!." Shouted Jiae unnie and I just smirk.

"Mianhaeyo unnie deul..."

"Woah~~~ so the both of you late at same time huh? Enjoy the lovey dovey moment???." Said Jimin and I'm just glared at him.

"Quite enjoyed it." Said Taehyung and that make them teased us.

"Woah~~~ did you two had a kis-" before Jungkook had say the word, I slapped his arm.

"What????!" He pouted.

"There's a bug on your arms hehe." I'm faking a smile on my face.

"No we didnt had it... but maybe after a week^^ maybe???."  Said Taehyung and smirk at me.

"What?!!! You pervet!!! " I screamed at him and all his member laugh while my member looking at them annoyingly.

When we both still had an argument, Suho oppa apporaching us and we quickly sit down.

"Whats going on here before?. " suho oppa asking us.

"Nothing hyung just some 'Couple things'" said Yoongi oppa straightly.

"That so??? Okay then, did you guys had already had your breakfast?." He asked again.

"No....." the rest of us replied to him.

Wow so it doesnt me alone huh?.

"Okay its good then, since my wife had prepared a lunch box for all of you. Chorong ah~ come in. " He called for his wife.

Woah~~~ so he had a wife in such a young old?.

"Annyeonghaseyo Park Chorong imnida... here a lunchbox for you!." She come in with a large bag on her arms and give us a lunchbox.

"ah...! Thank you Mrs Park^^" I take it and bowed my head to her.

"Aigu~ dont called me Mrs its make me looks to old huhu just called me Chorong Unnie^^"

"Ah~ thank you chorong unnie~~~" I smiles to her.

"Okay then~ please eat it~ "

We nodded and starts to eating it. Seriously it was very delicious and tasty!. After a while, we finished it.

"Thanks for the food~ it was very delicious unnie!." I smiles to her.

"Really? I'm really glad that all of you likes it." Said Chorong unnie.

"Okay then, here the mineral water bottle. Drink it and we will starts to practice^^…" Suho oppa gave us a bottle each for us.

"Okay then~ lets practice!."

After an hour practice, we had a rest time. I decided to goes to the washroom for washing my face a little while.

"Unnie... I want to goes to the washroom for a while^^." I said to Mijoo unnie and she nodded.

"Okay~ " Mijoo unnie smiles and I goes to the washroom.

"Wah! It feels more refreshing now!." I talk to myself after washing my face. I took some tissue and wipe my hand and want to go out from the washroom.

"How long are you gonna be in that place huh..."

"Oh my!!!!!!! " I'm shocked as I heard someone voice beside my ears. I quickly turm my face and saw Taehyung's face.

"Yah! You shocked me to death you know?!!." I screamed to him and he just covered his ears with his hand.

"Well~ why did you schoked that over huh?. Well did you think me as ghost?." He smirk.

"Huh! No! Go away, you blocking my way." I goes to other direction and he blocking me again and again.

"Yah! Go away!" I goes to right and he blocking me again.
"Go away or..... "

"Or what you want to kiss me??." He smirk and raised up his eyesbrow.

Well if you really want it tho...

I quickly stepped on his foot and he screamed in pain.

"Auch!!!! Yah Ryu Sujeong! I had to cycle my bicycle back home you know?!."

"You're the one who want it at the first place..." I smirk and goes to the hall back left him shouted my name repeatly.

He's just too over, its not like his leg gonna broke or what.... =_=.

"Wow~~ You two had come together again huh??? What a F.A.T.E." Said Hoseok oppa teasedly.

Huh??? Us???

I tilt my head and I saw Taehyung beside me while glared at me.

I just smile at him.

"Well~ you know~ you two looks good for a new COUPLE though hahah!." Said Suho oppa while smiles to us.

"What?!!! No way and never!!!." We quickly say it at the ssme time.

"Haha well~ you hate it now but in future who knows right???." He wink at us and talks to the rest while the both of us froze at the entrance.

I look at him as he look at me too and we both quickly turn away our head.

"You and I will never be a couple!." I said it.

"Neither me too!." He replied it back and I goes to my group.

No way and never be okay?! ><

~Hye guys~ I'm sorry for not updating in a days... I'm quite busy tho huhu but I feel great when readers had commented in this story! I hope that all of you keep reading and love this story~ annyeong lovely readers~~~^^

Question Time~

3. Who's your bias in Bts?

I'm feel sad when all of you didnt answer any question that I asked ... huhu but thanks for read it^^…

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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