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★Taehyung's P.O.V★

Ryu Sujeong?!!

"What are you doing here?. Are you stalking me???."

"What? Are you kidding me? How would I'm stalking you? And by the way arent you the one who's stalking on me?? Mr.V sshi? " She smirk to me.

Ah... damn it! So she's already knows about it? >×<

"What are you talking about?."
I'm just trying to not knowing about it.

"Haha do you think that I'm that stupid? Okay fine then if you want to play with it."
She smiles.

"Taehyung ah why did you just stand right there? Serves that to our guest!." I heard my omma's voice.

"N-nae omma..." I just quickly put the plate infront of Sujeong and take a quick glared to her.

She also glared at me.

"Omma, I want to go out after this. With my friends..."
I said that to my omma and goes to my room's.
♥Sujeong's P.O.V♥

"Neo?!!!" The both of us say it at the same time.

His omma told him to serve the cake to me and when he's served it, he take a quick glared to me.

What??? But seriously... why I'm such a dumb because cant regonize that name?!...

But wait... if this was Kim Taehyung's house so this also Yein's house right?! I totally forgot that Yein was Taehyung's little sister also our maknae...

"Aunty Kim, I had to go home right now^^ I'm wondering that if my omma worried about me."
I said after I finished eat the chocolate cake.

"Ouh.. really? Then lets Taehyung send you to your home okay?." She offered me.

"Ah! It okay aunty~ I also had KimJun oppa to send me back home.^^."

Honestly… No way that I'll go home with that guy!.

"Aiguu... just lets Taehyung send you okay???." She continues to make me feel guilty.

"Just let me send you back home." Said Taehyung who's suddenly apporaching us with a car's key at his hand.

"Uhhmmm Nae...." I just cant do anything except to just accepted it.

Taehyung's P.O.V

"Uhmmm why did you want to send me home? Isnt it better if you just goes out with your friends instead from send me home first?." She ask me when the the both of us inside my car.

"And are you sure that this is safe? Is it sure that you can drive savely?" She asking me in a worried tone even I didnt answered her first question though.

"By the way, I do it because of my omma. Yes I already had my license and yeah I can drive it safely so dont worry I'm sure it is safe." I answered it calmly one by one.

She just shrugged and sit quietly and I start to driving her home.
She's giving the direction to her home and after a few minutes, we arrived.

"Thanks." She said that as she goes out from my car.

"You're welcome." I smiles and continue my drive to the mall and goes to see my member.

♥Sujeong's P.O.V♥

Huwaaaaa I really want to screamed right now. Why Mrs Kim son had to be him?!

I opened the door and my omma apporaching me panickly.

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