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"Darth Vader is my father."

Needless to say, Han was stunned. He didn't say anything; he couldn't think what to say. He just held Luke closer. This at least explained why he was so nervous to tell him. Luke had expected him to react badly. Han didn't care, though. Luke's parents didn't define him.

Luke curled up closer into Han, relieved. Han meant a lot to him, and he was afraid that telling him the truth would make Han hate him. However, as much as Luke didn't want to lose him, he owed him the truth, and he was infinitely grateful that Han could, on some level, accept it.
"It's okay, kid," Han said, and for a moment, it was. For a single, perfect moment, they just sat curled up there, needing nothing but each other, and for them everything was okay.

Sadly the moment couldn't last forever. Han was desperate to get Luke to the medbay, and Luke needed to finish explaining everything. Reluctantly, Han pulled away and Luke continued.
"He wanted me to go with him, to overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy, but I couldn't do it. It went against everything I've ever believed, everything I've ever fought for. I was just lucky to find a way out."
"So what did you do?" Han inquired.
"He'd backed me onto a gantry, so I jumped off," came the reply. Han was in awe. There were plenty of people who would have taken up Vader's offer, cast aside their morals for power and status. Not Luke, though. He could have easily been killed trying to escape, but he chose to risk it because he refused to give in.
"Wow! And then?"
"I ended up stuck at the bottom of Cloud City, so I called to Leia through the Force and she rescued me in the Falcon." For the first time in his life, Han was grateful for the Force. "We managed to escape from Bespin, but obviously we were considerable weaker. We'd lost you, I needed a new hand, the fleet was scattered. It took a while to put things back together. That's why we took so long to come for you," Luke explained, looking guilty at the amount of time it had taken. Han, however, didn't care. He was just angry that he'd been absent, half way across the galaxy when Luke had needed him.

But none of that mattered now. They were all back together, and everything had turned out fine...more or less. It occurred to Han then that he still didn't know why Luke had been crying.
"So you rescued me, we went to Endor, and then what?"
Luke sighed. This was the part he'd been dreading.
"This is where it gets bad," he warned.

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