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"At least you saved him."
"What?" Luke's voice was rough from crying, but his confusion was evident.
"At least you saved him," Han repeated. "So maybe you couldn't save his life, but at least he died a good man." He cringed inwardly at what he was about to say. "You were going to give your life because you wouldn't turn. When that happened, he saw that he didn't want to serve the Dark Side any more, not if that was where it lead. He realised what was important when he almost lost it. So at least you saved his soul before he died."

Luke was speechless. Who knew Han could be so insightful, so understanding? He'd been afraid that Han wouldn't understand his grief, that he may even resent him for it - Force knows Han and Vader weren't on the best terms. Obviously, he had seriously misjudged him.
"Now you'd better be grateful, kid, 'cause I don't go round saying that kind of thing regularly." Luke rolled his eyes and smiled. Han was still Han - and Luke wouldn't have it any other way.
"Thank you, Han," he said softly. "For everything."

Han held Luke closer.
"No problem," he drawled, almost his usual careless drawl, but with more affection behind it. He continued to run his fingers through Luke's soft, fair hair, clutching him close with his spare arm, as if afraid to let go. Caught up in the moment, Han leant forwards and kissed Luke tenderly on the cheek.

Luke froze and Han drew back immediately.
"Force, I'm sorry, I just..." a disheartened Han stammered, looking for an excuse and failing to find one. Truthfully, he had done it because it had felt right, and because he'd hoped Luke felt the same. Evidently not.
"Don't be sorry," Luke said. He wasn't upset, merely shocked. He'd liked Han for ages, but he'd never thought he felt the same way. And now he'd gone and ruined it.

At least he knew how to fix it.

Han was taken aback as Luke pressed his soft lips against his. Shock was quickly replaced with fierce passion as he pulled the battered Jedi against his chest. Time stood still as the two heroes forgot their war, forgot their sorrows, forget everything, lost in each other's embrace.

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