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In a distant clearing on the moon of Endor, three figures stand before a blazing pyre, a final farewell to a tragic hero, fallen and redeemed. They stand together through their grief, just as they have stood together through everything else. Now they are sure that nothing can break them apart.

Leia clasps her brother's hand. She knows that their whole ordeal has been much harder for him. He needs someone to be there. Luke rests his head on Han's shoulder, and Han wraps an arm around him, as though he never plans on letting go. Their tear-stained faces are illuminated softly by the dying embers of the fires. They are not ashamed to cry, for they know that no one else is.

As the fire burns out, the trio leave the clearing and head back towards the camp. The previous night's celebrations hadn't yet fully died down, and troops and ewoks alike were still revelling in their victory. They join the party, allowing the joy to wash away their sadness as they reflect on the war that has finally ended.

It had taken over their lives until they weren't sure who to be without the fight.

It had wrecked a galaxy, and they were working to repair it.

It had torn a family apart, and then in the end driven them back together.

And it had brought together an unlikely trio of heroes, to face trials no one should have to endure. It had brought them closer than many could ever hope to be. Together, they had faced the galaxy's hardships, and overcame them. Together, they would help put fix their broken worlds. Together, the could put themselves back together.

Jedi, Scoundrel, Princess.
Brother, Lover, Sister.
Luke, Han, Leia.

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