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"You left Endor and handed yourself over to Darth Vader!" Disbelief was evident on Han's face. He couldn't make sense of it. "Why?!"
"Because I sensed good in him. I had to try and turn him back."
Han sighed. He loved Luke's ability to see the good in everyone - literally everyone - but  he was putting his life in danger over something he thought he saw in someone. Han didn't like that.
"Luke, do you have a deathwish?" He voice came out more irritated than he'd intended.
"No, why?"
"Because you have an annoying tendency to put yourself in mortal danger. You are a Rebel, and you gave yourself over to Darth kriffing Vader! I don't care if he's your father, that's suicide in my books."
"This is why I didn't want to tell you," Luke sighed.
"Sorry, Luke. I just...I really care about you, and I wish you weren't so careless with your life. I don't want to lose you."

Luke was shocked. That was the most emotion he had ever seen Han display, and he was touched that he cared that much.
"Thank you, Han. That means a lot." He wanted to say more, so much more, but he couldn't find the words.
"No problem, kid," Han said. Recently, when he'd been calling Luke 'kid,' it seemed different. It had gone from semi-sarcastic and semi-affectionate to genuinely affectionate. Neither of them really understood why it had changed, but they both knew it had. There was a new affection between them, different to their former friendship. Closer.

Han leaned in to hold Luke, but quickly drew back.
"Luke, you're burning up! I think you've got a fever!"
"Don't worry, it's probably nothing," he shrugged. Han sighed. Here Luke was not taking care of himself...again. How long had he been ill? Why was he hiding it?
"It's not nothing," he insisted, already on his feet. "At least come and get a drink." Reluctantly, Luke stood up. A second later, he stumbled back against the wall, holding onto it for balance.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said again. "Just dizzy." He attempted another step forwards and it was quickly evident that he wasn't 'just dizzy.' He must have been ill for a while, because he almost collapsed before Han grabbed him, steadied him.
"I'm fine."
They both knew he was lying.
Luke tried once more to walk, but the movement sent his world spinning. He had a single moment before everything blacked out and he fell back into Han's arms.

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