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Sitting under the schools football bleachers, you cried with your head in your lap. Your boyfriend had cheated on you, slapped you, then dumped you for a some other girl. Worst of all right before school, the day before Prom. So now you were just skipping school, hoping that no one comes to find you in this miserable state. Especially since anyone can see your puffy pink eye, and swollen red cheek.

"I can't believe this. He's never been so- UGH!" You yell to yourself, not able to come up with a word to describe that jerk face ex.

"Never been UGH hun?" You hear a guy snicker at your use of extensive vocabulary.

Oh great, just what I needed! Someone to find me like this. Better yet another guy!

"Go away, I don't have the energy to deal with you." You mumble, feeling drained.

The guy in question steps before you, "Why not dollface? To busy with makeup or somethin'?" Now you can see who found you, as he steps around the side of the bleacher. His tan skin, stupid grin missing a tooth, and the shades that the school doesn't allow.

What was his name again... Alex? Aries? No... I'm pretty sure it was A-L something.

As soon as you had looked up to see who it was, his smirk faded to one of confusion, his brows furrowed. He couldn't see much of you, since you only raised your head enough to where your eyes peeked over your crossed arms that rested on your legs. Even then, it was sill hard to spot the red in your eyes from crying.

"Yo, aren't you Jake's girl?" He asks, "Yeah, (Y/N)! What cha doing out here, you never miss school, girly." Of all the people in the world it had to be someone who's hyper-aware of the people around them.

"Fuck off, I couldn't care less." You growl, raising your head more as the bad boy put his hands up in mock defense. You weren't one to use vulgar language, but honestly who cares now.

"Whoa, don't get your panties in a bunch princ-" He cuts his sentence off.

"What? What are you looking at?!" You question angerly. You already cann't stand the guy, he's so annoying and pushy.

"Who made the slap mark?" He asks, for once not a trace of the usual haughtiness in his voice.

You quickly put your hand to your burning cheek, wondering how it still hadn't gone away. Your cheeks turn red, while your eyes tear up. All you can do was look at the ground where your shoelaces laid, unraveled. That seemed more important than answering his question.

Allen squats in front of you, taking the hand that wasn't holding your hurting cheek, and taking the other off, looking at you. You're honestly surprised that he isn't making any mean, or sexual remarks like he usually does. No, instead he was treating you delicately, like you were made of glass. He thumbs the area lightly, seeing how much it hurt, which was quite a bit.

"Who made the slap mark?" He repeated.

"I... Jake." The one name causes you to go over board and let the tears out of the dam again.

He looks so angry like you've never seen him before, "The fucker! Why would he even do that?!" He almost shouts.

You know that he's talking to himself, but that doesn't stop you from answering. "I don't know. He did it without explanation."

"Don't cry, (Y/N). I'll deal with this." He says softly, wiping your tear stain face.  It's clear that it's pointless, since more keep coming, one after another.

"H-How?" you asks, shaking and heaving from all the crying.

"You'll see dollface." He says giving you a grin, not the ones he usually has. This was one different, more sincere than the rest. "You'll see."

Time Skip of the short lived sweetness of Allen

Two years later, after the drama of your ex Jake. As Allen said, he did take care of him, but not violently as you requested. What he did ended up doing was actually quite funnier. He got the whole football team on it as well. As the ex of your dreams walked through the door of the boy's locker room, a bucket of glue, which had been propped on the top of the door, fell on his head. Matt who ha been standing by, flicked the switch of a vacuum, sending a flurry of feathers, out of the machine. All the while Al who had been holding his phone up ready for all of this, snapped a picture of the final product. The very next day the same photo had been all over FaceBook, Twitter, Snapchat, you name it. By noon the whole school ha seen it, and you've never lauyas hard as you did when you saw it.

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