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"BELLLAAAAAA~" Comes the shout of Flavio who's bouncing around your house as of the moment. The same one that has been locked for two hours since you've been homes. Honestly, it's privacy doesn't exist with this man around.

"BELLLAAAAAA~ Where-a are you~" He shouts again, louder.

"What?" You yell out at equal volume as your friend. You're in your bathroom doing 'things' like everyone does. With the lock on of course.

"Let's go to the mall! I wanna get some shopping done with you (Y/N)! I have coupon for StartBucks as well~!" He starts rambling as his voice got closer, probably already up stairs looking for you.

Walking out after you finish washing your hands you stumble right into Flavio.

"Ciao bella~" He greets with a cute wave of his.

"Hey Flav, how did you get in here this time? There's not one, but two locks now." You ask him.

"Door was unlocked, silly! So can we go~ I saw a dress the other day that-a would look magnificent on you!" He claps in excitement.

Taking that as Flavio for I picked the lock, bella you sigh and go to your room to change, closing the door quickly with a yell of, "Give me three."

~Lazy Time Skip Because I Can~

"Put it oooooon~ I-a wanna see you in it bella!" Flavio says, his voice muffled from being on the other side of the dressing room door.

Sighing slightly, you reluctantly slip on a nice-ish dress leaving your shorts on underneath. But it doesn't peak out thankful, otherwise Flavio would throw another fit. You start parading around the room to showoff the dress, but Flavio doesn't seem to like it as much as he thought he would have.

"Aw bella! While you do look cute in that, the colour just doesn't work with you anymore! Too bad, it would have been perfect for the party I wanted to take you to. Oh well~." He says simply, as things like this always happens apparently. He starts looking at something on his phone, mostly looking for something else they had in the store.

An exasperated sigh escapes your lips as you just tried pulling the dress off in front of your friend. Unfortunately you had to reach for the zipper.

Not like it matters; he's gay isn't he? You think, almost out loud.

Meh I do this all the time in front of him anyways. You finish with the back and slip out of it releasing another sigh.

Without even looking at you Flavio pipes up from internet surfing with a comment, "Oh and (Y/N) bella~ nice bra!"

"You're not even looking Flav!" You say as you go back into the stall to change again.

"Sí, but I can still sense good fashion!" He shouts.

You roll your eyes with a smile.

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