We can explain! Please!

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I'M SO SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE SO LONG! But let me tell you how fun it is to all of a sudden spam write at one am in the morning!

"Alright you major fucks, we have a mission tonight. You know I really thought we had this together. Really we did." Kuro and Lutz nodded at their leader, Lucíano.

"We went over the lay out of this base. We scoped out the actual factual area. Hell I even let Germany go first, before me." Lutz mumbled under his breathe a bit, something about how "It vas just so you vouldn't get the first hand of a trap.". But the murderious Italian 2p went on.

"So please do tell, why, we failed so fucking hard." Kuro, who sat cross legged next to a semi-mangled German, just kind of bobbed his head lightly while keeping his eyes closed. Lucí assumed it was because he was embarrassed from failure. Although in actuality it was to keep him from laughing in his leaders face.

I mean who wouldn't? It was seriously one of the most hilarious things the asian has seen so far hanging out with these two whack jobs. Lutz was sunken halfway in a bed of spikes from jumping down out of a window on them. Lucíano, who wasn't even facing his allies, had jumped off of Lutz's back and scrambled in the dark only to step in an open bear trap. Then, maybe, somewhat, kind of, definitely, fell over with surprise onto a table top that held up a saw blade.

Kuro really had to say his favourite part was watching Lucíano trying not to make any noise while watching him fall chest first into the damn thing. Again, fucking hilarious.

Kuro was of course perfectly fine, he had been the last to jump in through the high widow, so the path was fairly clear for him. Not that he was whining. Oh no sir!

Kuro finally swallowed the rest of his laughter and got up to help his friends. First he help pry off the bear trap as Lucí pulled his own way out of the sharp teethed blade, then they went over to Litz. Kuro bowed down and lifted up the lazy kraut with some of Lucíano's help.

Lucí huffs angrily while digging his fingers through his hair, messing it up and leaving stands to fly up here and there. "Scopare questa! I bet even my dumbass of-a brother couldn't be this-a god damn useless."

Kuro nodded, "We shourd escape before they get down here. They definitery know we're here now." Lutz groaned happily because that meant going home, which meant beer and food, which meant happy ending for him.

"Fuck this, we'll be back some other time. Another time in which we better actually be fucking ready." The three scuttled around a bit in the dark until their eye sight adapted. They went toward a metal door at one end of the room, since the window was way up too high for then to reach again. Plus the spikes were kind of in the way, being bolted down and all.

All of a sudden the metal door swings open and both of Luciano's fist spring side ways into the arms of his criminal mates. He repeated it seven times in one point three nanoseconds, amazingly. Soon all three panic and do their best to act o' natural when they obviously weren't supposed to be there.

Al and Matt walk in together to find whatever commotion they heard from the ground floor. The blond toggles the lighting switch while the brunette gets an eye full of whatever even happened in the basement storage room.

Al opens his mouth to dumbly respond to the situation in front of him. "What the fuck?" Too bad the Axis team's plan was to strike a random anxiety pose as they stay still and silent, looking like they were suspended in time.

Matt just looks at him tiredly and smears his right hand down his face. "Mon dieu, these fuckers again." The trio just calmly stand there still in weird model like poses, their eyes bulging somewhat, as of waiting to see if they can actually be seen.

Al shakes his head and throws his bat on his shoulder. "Alright bro, I call the a
Asian and the Italian." Matt rolled his eyes and muttered a whatever.

For the rest of the night there were a lot of small squeaks coming from that death dungeon.

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