Flirting With A Taken Person

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Here's a filler for you guys. It's from my Craktalia book, but I updated it so it runs more smoothly and yet this still is as bad as Satan could possibly make it.

"Sup, dollface?" Al asked Flavio coolly, with that smirk of his.

He and Flavio had just ran into each other and had started chatting about everyday normal things. Well for Second Players that is.

"Hello Allen~. How-a have you been since-a I've last seen the-a fabulous you?" He greeted back.

Allen let his shades drop down his nose, them almost falling off, giving Flavio a look over the rim of his glasses. Sending small shivers down his back- not that Flavio minded much of it. (So cliché, ugh)

"Good, babe, but I would be better if I could have a little somethin' special from ya" Al gave him a wink, leaning back on his elbow, which was currently resting on a near by out-door restaurant's fence keeping him balanced.

"I'm not-a too sure I do know-a what you're-a talking about Allen~." He replied to the tan man. Still with the smirk on his face, and gazing eyes.

"Then maybe I have to show you." He said in response to Flavio's pretend ignorance.

"Maybe you-a do, maybe you-a don't." Flavio teasing Al, halfheartedly.

All Allen did was lift his hand to the front of his mouth, separated his fingers to make a 'V' and pushed his tongue between them. You could see the piercing on his tongue glinting a little in the light of the afternoon sun.

With the previous action he also made a gun with his hand as if to shoot the Italian with his, so very lethal, finger gun. Plus as if to wrap it all up, he gave Flavio his infamous smirk, the one that spread across his whole face.

But as soon as this action was, how should I say, committed Allen could suddenly feel an aura that filled him with great unease. It was so nerve wracking to him, that Al even shuttered, shuttered.

One glimpsed Flavio's face and Al knew he was fucked. Not even five seconds after feeling the murderous aura, Allen could feel the hands of a cold blooded killer on the side of his head, gripping him hard.

It was the hands of the over protective Andreas and Flavio's boyfriend. Too bad Al was frozen in place to anything other than freak out. He knew just how dead he was now.

"Welcome to you worse nightmare, puto." Andreas said in his dead beat voice. Allen officially panicked.

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