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Sleeping peacefully in a cream white bed with (F/C) trimmings, was you, (F/N). And that guy outside your window watching you sleep is none other than Lucíano, one of the world's biggest mafia boss. Oh don't worry he isn't here to kill you, just the oppossit in fact. This man refuses to leave you alone, more so with any other guy.


Your POV

I could hear a creak, and a small quiet slam, followed by slight 'thumf's on my carpet. It could really only be one reason for this. Lucí was here to vist once again. I just wish he could do it more silently... He always wakes me up since I've always been a light sleeper, and all.

Soon I feel a weight on the opposite side of my queen sized bed. Lucí was wiggling his way onto the mattress, wrapping his arms around my waist in the process. As I felt him pull my back up against his stomach, then place his chin on my shoulder I knew there was no way I was going to get back to sleep tonight.

"Lucí can you get out; I'm trying to sleeeeeeep!"

"Oh, so you're awake?"

"Yes, dummy. Now let me go, 'cuz I have school in the morning." I said, and after a moment he seemed to be thinking about his response.

"Hmmm, how about no bella? Sounds like a good answer to me." With that he went to sleep tightening his grip on me.

"Ugh, fine! I guess I'll just stay awake. The whole night. With nothing to do. Till morning. Then go to school. And fail...... Seriously nothing?"


"Yeah well, fuck you too." After an hour or two you eventually fell asleep again, with your stalker by your side.

The End

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