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For you PhandaRedHetalia

"Matt let's go somewhere."

"....." Silence.

"Matt I'm hungry!"

"....." More silence.

"Maaaattttttt I'm boooorrreeedd!"

"....." Unbelievable even more silence.

"You're an asshole."

"....." I hate you Matt.

Alright that's it I can't take this anymore.

"I'll have sex with you...."

"Really?" Goddamn it!

"No! Why do you keep ignoring me?!"






"Oh my god how do you do this?"


"Fine, I'll just get Kuma to eat me."

"He needs to be feed either way." Asshole.

"Alright, I'm goiiinnng!" I say as I standing walking to the back door.

!Time Skip!

"GET OFF ME YOU BUG LOG OF FUR! Your're so heavy! Maaattttt!"


"Get your dumbass bear off me! He's going to kill me!"


"Mattieeeee! Please?"


"Pwease Mattie?"

"Do it yourself if you want it so much."


"I'm not falling for that (Y/N)."


"I know you're not dead."




"You know I can see you through the window right?"

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."

"Wait what?!"

Le End

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