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"Fran I can't believe you..." I said to my Polish psycho boyfriend.

"I only did what I thought was right." He simply said.

"And that was to beat up an innocent man?! Franciszek you have some serious issues!" I pointed a finger in his direction.

"He was annoying me end of story."

"He was only talking on the phone wen you decided to beat him to a bloody pulp! You sir are not leaving the house anymore." I said matter of factly yanking on his wrist pulling him home with me.

"Pfft whatever. It's not like being locked inside the house is a scary thing."

"Then no more killing, chess, sex, or hanging out with Flavio. See how you do then." I said knowing I got him there.

"Is that challenge (N/N)? Because I will take you up on that offer."

"No! This is a grounding Fran and there's no getting out of it."

"Can we make it challenge?"


"I don't here a no~"

"What happens if you win?"

"You become my little maid for a week."

"And if I win?" I asked kind of interested in winning all of a sudden.

"Whatever you baby."

"Even a lovely date with nice clothes, and hand holding?"

"Fuck that, there's no way I'm losing this."

"Then it's settled you stay behaved for three weeks and we see who wins?" I asked finalizing the deal.

"Ugh, yes, fine! Three while weeks." He said walking besides me.

I stopped and held out my hand to shake it.



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