Chapter 4

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Noelle's P.O.V.


I grumpily turned over to see what the hell that noise was. I noticed that it was only Kristi's alarm clock. What the hell is she trying to pull, setting the alarm for 7:30 at night. I was way to god damn lazy to acaully get up and turn it off so i just blocked the noise out of my head and instantly fell back asleep. Not even ten minutes later, Krisit comes running in and jumps right on top of me to get up.

"C'mon sleepy head, time to get up!"

I turn back over and hide my face under the pillow not wanting to deal with kristi right now. She knows I am not a morning person, I get super angry at anything or anyone if they come into contact with me.

"Ugh... I guess I am just going to get Liam since you are to lazy to move." she said sounding annoying by the tone of her voice.

"Ya I am annoyed, now can you please leave, it would be very much apreciated." I said as calmy as I  could.

"Liam, LIAM," yelled Kristi.


"Get your arse over here and help me get Noelle's arse out of bed."

Right as she said that i could here Liam stomping his feet loudly up the stairs. he slowly opens the door and comes to sit on the edge of the bed, making me roll over closer to him. He puts his cold hand on my back shaking me softly to get up.

"C'mon you have to get up darling you missed enough scool as it is. ill make you your lunch if you get up for me," Liam said calmy.

 "Wait, what? Its the morning? Holy man I slept for over 12 hours!" I said confused.

"Yes it is the morning so you better hurry up and get dressed," explained Kristi.

With that I got up and went straights to Kristi's closet. I picked out a pair of her shorts that she bought a size to big for her. I honestly think she did that on purpose so I would have something to wear. I found a nice big baggy hurly sweater, I honestly think it is Liams sweater but he wont mind. I just loved wearing only sweaters without a shirt underneath, i think it is the most comifiest things in the world.

I scurrlied to washroom and washed my face and combed my long natural curly hair. I knew kristi wouldnt mind if I used some of her make-up. I put some of her foundation on to cover up the bruises, Thank the lord that we have the same colored skin. I grabbed her covergirl masacara and loaded my eyelashes up. Today my eyes really stood out, and I liked it.

I went running down the stairs, grabbed an apple from the fridge, grabbed my books, and went outside. I knew Liam and Kristi would be waitng in the car for me, they usally do since I aM ALWAYS slow.

I got in as Liam sped off onto the bumpy road. School was anout 15 blocks away so i just sat in the back looking out the window day dreaming. i was so deep into my thoughts that Liam startled me when he called my name.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Ya i was just day dreaming, sorry."

"No need to be, um..huh...ok lets just put it this way. Do you know Harry Styles?" he asked while turning his head to see my reaction.

Oh man, i totally forgot he came over last night to talk with Liam. I wondered what they were saying after i left.

"Hmmm ya..... I-I guess, why?"

"No reason, all i am saying is be careful. even though he is my best friend and I look out for him, he can be a big jerk, and well..." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well..... use girls, i know what he is like," i said finishing his sentence.

"ok so you know, I just want you to tell me if he tries anything with you that is out of your comfort zone, i promise he will be sorry."

"Dont worry, this time i will be more careful."

"or if you dont want to tell liam because it mught be personal, i am always here to love," kristi said.

"Thanks guys, i dont know what i would do without you two."

"Anytime sweetheart. family sticks out for eachother." Kristi said turning her head to look at me smiling.

We finally arrived at the school. We parked in our usual spot. By the "ONLY COOL PEOPLE ALLOWED" area. I found it kinda weird how they call their hangout spot that. I mean you could just call it our hangout spot but watever i am not supposed to be there so i really could care less. The hangout spot consits of basically whoever plays volleyball or football. Liam always asked if i wanted to come but i felt lik i could never fit in.

I opened the back door of the escape, got my books and shut the door. Liam and Kristi were already gone to talk to their friends. I never understood how tthey could handle the snobiness of those people. Liam and Kristi are always so nice and they havfe to deal with these annoying bitches.

I started walking towards the school minding my own bussiness. i could definatly feel people starring. it was burning a hole through my chest. I just looked down and kept walking. My cousin came up to me and tripped me right in front of everyone. I fell right into the low spot of the pavement which was filled with water.My books went flying and Kristi's clothes were soaking wet.

"First time using your feet," Addyson Said laughing with her friends smirking.

If you dont know who Addyson is, she is my first cousin and she hates me. We used to play together when we were in Kindergarden but as we got older she got to cool for me, as she told me.

A small tear left the corner of my eyes. Why couldnt things go back to normal, i mean what did i do to her. i finally got up to pick up my books. i went for my chemstry book when a large hand was set on top of mine. i looked up and i noticed that i starred into those beautiful green eyes before.

"Do you need help?" harry said looking worried


I am soooooo sooooo sooo sorry it took so long for me to update. i have been so busy it isnt even funny. Hope you guys like it :)


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