Resonance (A Soul Eater SoMa Fanfic)

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--Took place 2 years after Asura's downfall--

=Soul's POV=

I wake up to the scent of a great breakfast. Since Blair is on top of me in her cat form meowing at me, I know Maka is cooking it. Over these three years after the kishin being destroyed, Maka's cooking skill has improved. Man, can she cook now. I throw Blair of me and onto the bed while she's not seductively annoying me in her human form. Stupid sex kitten. So uncool.

"Hey." I say groggy, taking my seat at the table for breakfast, feet up, hands behind my head, leisurely.

"Oh! Hey Soul, good morning!" Maka said in her cheery tone.

"Good morning to you too..... Hey, Maka, What are you cooking? It smells good." I reply with an tired smile.

"Ummmm,.... bacon, eggs, pancakes and sausage!" she says acting like that nothing in the world is okay, that the world is perfect. The inly thing that was missing from this banquet was a big, juicy kishin soul. Oh well, who cares?! This morning is going to pretty cool!

=Maka's POV=

Soul and I sit down together and eat together an almost dead quiet breakfast. Blair is lying on the table in cat form, adorably nibbling on her fish I gently placed in her bowl. Sometimes moments like this, I feel like i'm in a family with Soul, Blair being our cat daughter. The thought warms me, yet it repulses me also.

After a very quiet breakfast, we head off to the DWMA, Blair left with us but when went our separate ways when she had to once again, strut around in her slutty clothing to get more fish from who she calls "Fish Shop Guy".

"Hey Soul, what do you want to do after the DWMA?" I ask, wanting to spend more time with him.

"What do you mean?" Soul asks, looking like he was asked to join a gang.

"After school. What do you want to do?" I ask him again.

"Anything I think is cool, really. I don't really have plans or schedules. Those are sooooooooooooooo not cool." he replies, walking with his hands behind his head, his small black headband on. I miss his old headband. It was like his own little trademark.

"Soul.... why do you wear that small black headband? What happened with your old one?" I ask. His headband made him unique. It made him.... well, him.

"Oh that old thing? I got rid of it. Its in my drawer still, but I dont use it now." I looked a bit sad.

"What?! I cant mix it up?" Soul said in a humorous mood. I giggle and we walk to the DWMA.

The DWMA is pretty much 70% hangout now. Since the kishin was killed, teachers still teach for 5 minutes. I mean all we do now is kill all remaining kishin eggs. But there is still one teacher who still takes it seriously. The best student-meister in the DWMA history. The crazy one.

Professor Franken Stein.

I check my watch. It is 7:43, which is probably why we passed Kid earlier, literally a bloody mess. Walking into Class Room: Moon we find him. The one who went insane.

=Stein's POV=

I see my two most reliable and heroic people walk through the door.

"Good morning Maka, Soul." I say holding Marie's hand, our wedding rings on.

"Good morning, professor!" They said in unison.

"HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Marie says, squeezing the life out of the two.

"H-hi.....Ms...... Marie...." Maka says, her face turning a beautiful shade of blue.

"Dont worry children. If you die. Know this..." I wickedly grin. "Your dissection will be in good hands."

The second I say that, the room goes quiet, Maka and Soul find a way to squirm out of Marie's deathgrip that she calls a "hug". Sh eleft to talk to Lord Death about something, then Spirit walked in, giving Maka another death hug.

Bad day to be a Maka Albarn.

"Spirit, calm yourself." I say in a "wow spirit that is pathetic" tone.

"Can't I hug my daughter?!" he snaps".

"You. are NOT. A father to me. I will NEVER. Think of you as a papa, a daddy and CERTAINLY not AS A FATHER!" Maka said cruelly, kicking spirit's stomach hard, making his drop her.

"Damn, Maka, that was harsh." Soul said in shock, Spirit running off in tears, to Chupacabra's.


A/N: I thought I'd suck at writing these! Is it good? Should I update? Let me know what you think!

Resonance (SoMa Fanfic) (Book 1 of 3 in the Resonance series)Where stories live. Discover now