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Seán walked down the ally, his hands in his pockets, his black hood over his face. It's pitch black besides the occasional street light that dimply lit the surrounding area. It was damp outside, the only sound that could be heard besides Seán's light footsteps was the drips falling from blocked gutters into a small puddle gathering below.

Seán continued down the ally until he heard mumbles of voices, he rounded a corner and headed towards a group, one in particular was leaning on the fence. His top hat covered his eyes allowing his spectators to see only his mouth which was curved into a smile that represented evil. He wore a black suit, clean and pressed. His new shoes were polished and dry as there was two other guys holding umbrellas over his head. There were about six of them at the end, two at the front, they wore sunglasses and suits to show their high status, they were obviously bodyguards.

Seán continued to walk until he was stopped by one of the tall men that acted like bodyguards.

"Seán! We were just talking about you,"

Said the well dressed man in a lighthearted yet suspicious tone. He spoke again, this time more harshly.

"Let him through. Now."

The bodyguard stepped aside allowing Seán to walk through.

"I have t'e money."

He said in a sad and tired voice.

"Very forward, no hello anymore?"

Seán didn't answer, the leader just smirked.

"Do you have all of it?"

"I have $170'000"

The man's smirk dropped.

"Seán, Seán, Seán..."

He said while shaking his head.

"Your a nice kid, but this is business."

"I know, Sir, I know but t'is is all I have, all I could get... P-please..."

Seán sounded desperate.

"Tell you what. Get me another $80'000 and your off the hook. You have three months."

"T'ree mont's!? How can I get 80 grand in t'ree mont's!"

"Temper Seán, now you tell me, you have to get it or..."

He smirked and placed a hand momentarily on the back of Seán's waist. He gulped. The others that were present started to laugh. Seán handed the boss the money and sighed.

"Same place?"

"But of course Seán."

He turned on his heals and started to walk out of the ally.

"Don't try to run, you know what happens when you run from me"

The evil man laughed murderously. Seán almost wimpered. He knew perfectly well what happened. He walked out the ally and back onto the street. He stuck to the cover of darkness in the shadowy parts of the walkway, every time a car passed Seán jumped. His heart skipped a beat in fear when he heard sirens, they started to get louder. The panic started to rise as he began to run, run from the boss, run from the sirens. It's all he ever did.

Good Cop, Bad Boy - SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now