Chapter six

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Mark pulled up on the drive after being out at the store, he sighed to himself before grabbing the grocery bag and heading inside. While he was locking the door he felt arms wind their way around his waist.

"Seán, what are you doing? You should be resting."

Mark felt Seán rest his head on his back.

"I missed ye."

"Alright, come on, I've got hair dye and shop bought pizza."

Seán retreated his hands and followed Mark into the kitchen. He watched Mark put the pizzas in the oven and get the hair dye ready.

"Seán why don't you pull up a chair and grab a towel, not necessarily in that order."

Seán giggled and got everything ready while Mark mixed the dye.

"I'm so excited. My hair is a mess"

Mark chuckled.

"Your adorable Seán. I don't know how I lived without you"

"T'ank ye so much for saving me Mark. I'd be dead if it wasn't for ye."

Seán looked down at his feet and Mark kissed his shoulder as he had already begun with the dye.

"Your safe now Seán."


After Mark had finished with the dye Seán had to take a shower. Mark was sat on his bed so he could help if Seán needed any.


He stood and went to the door immediately.

"Yes? You OK?"

"Yeah I jus'.... It's embarrassing but could ye do my back?"

"Sure I can, that's quite alright. You might wanna unlock the door first."

Mark heard Seán step out the shower, grab a towel and wrap it loosely around his waist. He unlocked the door granting Mark the permission to enter.

"God Seán...."


Seán blushed thinking that Mark was talking about other things. But instead he crouched down and looked at all the cuts the men made.

"This is vile..."

"S-sorry I um..."

Seán began to get a bit self conscious. Mark ran his hands up to his stomach which was concaved from not eating. He turned him around and looked at the burns from the hot wax, there was still some on. Mark teared up.

"M-mark don't be upset...."

Seán said turning to face him.

"This is just.... It's vile, it's disgusting what they did to you..."

"I-I'm sorry..."

Seán hung his head, feeling ashamed. He flinched a little when Mark tilted his head up to look at him.

"Seán you have got nothing to be sorry about, do you understand?"

Seán nodded quickly.

"Come on then, let's get your back clean."

Mark got Seán to go back into the shower cubical while he got soap on the flannel. Seán still held the towel around his waist because the water wasn't running.

"Does my back look really bad"

Mark shook his head.

"It's fine ba- uh Seán"

Mark felt his cheeks warm through, he was glad Seán couldn't see. He began to gently run the warm soapy flannel over his back.

"Shit... Ah- ow.."

Mark winced as well as Seán.

"I'm so sorry Seán."

"Jus' do it quickly... Please.."

Mark held out the hand he wasn't using for Seán to hold, he did, he held on tightly. Mark didn't mind. He quickly and roughly dragged the flannel across Seán's back, it took off the dead skin from the burns and the old wax. Seán held his breath and squeezed Mark's hand so tight he was surprised it didn't break.

"There, done, it's over Seán. All finished."

Seán let out a big breath of relief and let go of Marks hand.

"Goad' dammit Mark t'at hurt"

"I'm so sor-"

"But it feels so much better already."

Mark looked up at Seán who was smiling down at him. Mark took off his shirt and climbed into the shower cubical with Seán.

"M-mark wh-"

"You keeping the towel?"

Seán turned his body round to look at Mark. He began to feel a little claustrophobic but he didn't say anything.

"I um... What are ye doing?"

"You still need to wash your hair"

Mark smirked ruffling Seán's wet hair.


Seán was getting a little nervous. It had been two years since he'd seen Mark and a lot had happened between then and now. He certainly wasn't as confident.

"As it turns out I need to wash mine too"



Mark begged, he really wanted to be near Seán. He inched his hand near the tap to turn on the water.

"Mark no!"

Mark let his hand drop to his side as he looked taken aback. Seán reached up and took off his glasses smiling.

"Ye can't shower wit' yer glasses on ye goober!"

Mark's smile returned as he took his glasses from Seán and placed them in the sink.

"Ye also can't shower with ye trousers on."

"Well you can't shower with your towel on!"

The boys giggled and got fully undressed. After they kicked their clothes away Mark turned on the shower, almost immediately the glass walls steamed up as well as both boy's cheeks.

Mark picked up some shampoo and put some on Seán's head. He turned him around so Mark could see the back of his head.

"Mark what are ye-"


Mark began to rub in the shampoo with his strong hands. Seán closed his eyes and tilted his head forward.

"Ah... Shit Mark"

Mark smirked and began to massage his shoulders.

"You OK Seán?"

He asked, purposely making his voice deepen. Seán tried to talk but instead he made a sound that sounded like a wimper. Mark chuckled and whispered in his ear with a deep voice.

"Do you like that Seán?"

Seán wimpered and nodded, Mark smirked. He turned the hot water on and rinsed Seán's hair.

Seán turned and looked up at Mark, his heart was pounding.

"I've missed ye so much..."

Mark leant down and kissed Seán.

"I've missed you too baby."

Seán blushed.

"I d-didn't think ye still loved me."

"Seán I will always love you. Forever and ever."

Both boys smiled and kissed again. Finally, they can be together.

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