Chapter four

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(Idea brought to you by x_deadunicorns_x)

"Mark... Is this even allowed?"

"Who gives two shits? I don't. You need this. Go on!"

Seán stared at the bottle of Jack Daniels for a second before picking it up, Mark cheered. They were sat in the corner of the almost empty pub. Mark, quite clearly, already had a couple pints.

"Go on down it lad!"

Seán rolled his eyes at Mark while smiling. He toasted 'to living' before downing the bottle in one. He didn't know whether or not this was a good idea, getting drunk with his boyfriend... Hmm.. What could happen.

A 'couple' empty bottles later both Mark and Seán were both wasted.

"Gotta love thh' wis-

Seán was interrupted by a hiccup.


Mark smirked looking at Seán who was inspecting the bottle.


He slurred.


"This way"

Seán got up and followed Mark into the toilets. Before he knew it Seán was being pushed into the back of the door. Mark kissed him roughly, but Seán didn't go without a fight, he kissed back too. Mark allowed his lust to control his hands, letting them explore Seán's body. Seán grew tired, Mark could tell, he moved away from his lips and began to kiss his jaw.


Seán moaned, he felt like he was on fire, Marks lips were sparks and Seán's skin was a match.


Mark began to kiss Seán's neck making him weak at the knees. His hands travelled inside of Seán's hoodie and up his back. Seán arched his back, it burned in a good way. If having a great lust for Mark was a sin, then he was worse than the devil.

Mark snaked his hands around to Seán's chest. He was teasing him, and it was working. He could tell because Seán's breathing was shaky and erratic. He smirked and pulled back to look at him in the eyes.

"M-Mark... D-don't tease me..."

Mark had Seán right where he wanted him. He slowly lowered his hands but stopped just above Seán's belt.


Seán moaned, God the Irish nature of Seán's voice made Mark want to take him then and there.

"Your gonna have to wait Seán"

"Nooo.... Oh Goad' don't make me wait..."

He sounded desperate, this gave Mark a sense of power. He firmly massaged Seán's thigh making him tremble. Girl or boy, Mark knew how to bring anyone to their knees before him.

"P-p-please Mark..."

Seán whispered. Mark shook his head and picked him up, he walked out the pub and into the back of the police van.

"Seán McLoughlin, you are under arrest on suspicion of being sexy and horny."

He layed Seán down in the middle of the van and climbed on top of him after closing the door. He smirked and looked at Seán, his chocolate brown eyes riddled with lust and power.

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