Chapter seven

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"Are you alright?"

Mark asked Seán with a soft voice. He nodded and continued to walk up to the station.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want too..."

"I need to Mark... Ye silly, ye should know."

Mark chuckled and walked up to the station doors with his boyfriend. They're giving a statement on what's happened for the last two years.

"Seán would you like to step into the questioning room?"

Bob asked. Seán squeezed Mark's hand tightly and shuffled closer to him.

"As long as Mark comes."

"I'm sorry but-"

"I'm not going in without him!"

Bob rolled his eyes and muttered something.

"Come on then."

Both Seán and Mark walked into the room and sat opposite Bob and another officer called Wade.

"How long did the men have you in their custody?"

"I uhh... Two- three hours after ye took Mark away from me."

Mark put his arm around Seán and hugged him protectively. Bob rolled his eyes and Mark glared.

"Why did they have you in their custody?"

Wade asked.

"B-because I got t'e boss captured.."

"What did they do to you?"

Bob asked while writing something down"

"I don't.... Well... T'ey hurt me... A lot..."

"Yeah but what did they actually do?"

"T'ey... Cut me.... Burt me... Raped me..."

Seán teared up and Mark rubbed his back.

"T'ey'd cut my skin and stick metal in it... T'en squeeze it out.. T'ey poured hot wax all over me... I was t'eir slave...."

Bob, Wade and Mark cringed.

"T'ey starved me... Caged me... Chained me.... Beat me up... T'ey cut my troat...."

Mark looked shocked.


Seán sat up and pulled his hoodie away from his neck to reveal, not one, nor two, but five different scars. Mark looked away, he couldn't help but blame himself.

"Thank you for sharing that with us Seán. We'll pass the information on and get back to you on any further developments."

Seán nodded and worked on taking deep breaths.

"You both can go, thanks for coming in and uh Mark, well done. He's a keeper"

Wade said, giving a friendly wink.

"Fuck you Wade"

Mark said before walking out the station with Seán.

They walked down into a park, their fingers interlocked. The sun was warm and the wind was a gentle cool. The trees swayed gently and the children laughed while running around after each other.


Mark spoke softly.


Seán replied, resting his head on Mark's shoulder.

"Promise you won't disappear again?"

They looked into each others eyes and smiled.

"I couldn't if I tried."


The next couple of years flew by for the boys. Mark was promoted to chief of police whereas Seán found a job in technology, a video game designer to be precise.

Seán had just finished his shift and was waiting outside the building with his friend Ken for Mark to pick him up.

"So your telling me that your boyfriend is chief of police and is very fit and gorgeous?"

"Mhmm! He's t'e best."

"I don't believe you."

Ken said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"He's not normally late."

Out of nowhere a car pulled up, a red convertible to be exact. There was a beautiful white Labrador in the back. That was their dog, Chica; it was either a dog or a child, the choice wasn't difficult.

"Here he is!"

Seán squealed like a teenage girl seeing Mark climb out the car and walk up to him. He took Seán's waist and kissed him.

"Good grief! You weren't kidding when you said he was a sex god!"

Mark turned to Ken.

"Seán said that?"


Mark turned back to Seán and put on his deepest voice while saying something in his ear that made him wimper and giggle.

Seán waved bye to Ken and drove off with Mark.

"So Mark... Where are we going?"

He asked, noticing that they passed home a while back. Mark smirked and didn't tell Seán anything. Instead he had to put on a blindfold.

Once they pulled up somewhere Mark lead Seán over somewhere, it was on grass, that's all he knew.

"OK now take off the blindfold."

Mark said. Seán did as he was told and the sight almost took his breath away. The sun was setting which made the whole sky look ablaze. They trees swayed gently and the flowers danced softly. The view was stunning but... Where's Mark?

Seán looked around for Mark but then looked down. Mark was on one knee on the floor holding up a box. Seán gasped and covered his mouth, as well as Mark, tears of joy began to seep out of his eyes.

"Seán, you've been with me through thick and thin, you've never given up on me and never will. So that's why I, Mark Fischbach, would love it if you, Seán McLoughlin, would marry me. Would you? Pweeaasee?"

Mark opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a sapphire on it. Seán tackled Mark to the ground and answered in a fit of tears:

"Yes ye basterd I will!"

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