Chapter five

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2 years later...

Mark was sat slouching on his sofa. His hair was a mess and his eyes were heavy, it had been a rough day at work. Well everyday had been a rough day since Seán, he never did turn up to Marks house. That day that Mark left with Bob, that was the last Mark ever saw of Seán.

Mark stood, he needed some air. He walked over to the front door and put on some shoes, he was still wearing his uniform. Slowly, as to not disturb anything, he opened the door and snuck out and into the night.

"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore."

Mumbled Mark. He walked down the street, his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at the ground. He really didn't know what to do with himself, he's been going to the gym more and been pushing himself. He stopped, he could hear something.

"P-p-p-please n-no! I beg ye!!"

His face lit up, that was Seán. He was... He was in trouble. All he could here was him screaming. Mark started to run to where the screams were coming from, it was a house. The screams and cries hurt Mark so much. He slowly opened the door and snuck inside, now he could hear people laughing.

"Now you wait here little boy while I go and get a body bag, because you are going to die tonight Seán."

"P-p-p-please... I b-beg ye..."

He man laughed again. This was coming from upstairs.

"C'mon men, let's all go out and buy some gardening tools to prune our little flower with."

Seán was wimpering and crying, he was terrified. Mark hid behind a sofa in the corner and waited for them to leave. Once they did he called backup, then he shot up and dashed upstairs.


He called, Seán was tied so that his hands and ankles were tied to the rafters by rope so he was hung in the middle of the room, his stomach was also suspended to the roof but with a thin wire that was starting to cut into him. He was naked, cold and hurt. He had blood dripping from his legs, his head was hung suggesting he's worn out.


Seán flinched and tensed making the wire cut a little, there was burns all along his left arm near his wrist and what looks like what could've been hot wax all down his back.

"P-p-please... Please don't h-hurt me anymore..."

Mark walked up to Seán and lifted up his body onto his shoulders.

"Who.... M-m-mark???"

"I've got you Seán its OK"

"N-no go! T'ey'll get ye too"

Mark untied Seán and slipped him out of the stomach tie, he sat down on a chair in the corner and cradled him. Seán was crying and almost screaming. Mark began to sing again, he rocked Seán back and forth and played with his hair until he calmed down a bit.

"Seán, why didn't you go to my house?"

"After ye left ... These guys got me... Ye also never gave me yer address.."

"Would you like to go there now?"

Seán nodded, Mark smiled. Finally his Seán was back. Mark was greatful that he brought his jacket, he wrapped it around Seán and walked out the building to see bright lights. Another officer approached making Seán flinch away.

"Hey Felix."

"Hey Mark, so what happened bro?"

"It might be best if we say tomorrow but if hooded guys come back with gardening tools and a body bag, arrest them."

"No you'll say now."

"Bob no. After you made me go back to the station I lost Seán for two years! I'm going home, treating his injures and getting him a good sleep. Then tomorrow we'll be back"

Mark walked off with Seán. Bob didn't say a word.

"M-mark.... I-Im cold..."

"I know baby it's OK, we're here."

Mark opened the door and walked in, he kicked it shut then took Seán upstairs. He gently set Seán down on his bed and pulled a soft blanket over him.

"Seán it's ok, I've got you now, your safe I promise."

"T-T'ey hurt me Mark..."

He replied, his voice barely more than a whisper from screaming earlier.

"I know baby, but your safe now, I've got you."

Mark sat down on the edge of the bed and played with Seán's hair. He got up after a few minuets and sighed, he wanted everything to be ok, he didn't want Seán to be hurt, he just wanted to be with him. He turned to look at Seán who looked like he was about to go to sleep. He smiled and got a med-kit from the bathroom.

"M-m-m-mark.... Mark!"

Mark rushed back in and crouched before the bed looking at Seán worridly.

"Seán what's the matter??"

"I... I t'ought ye left me..."

"I'll never leave you Seán."

Seán smiled weakly then closed his eyes again.

"Seán... Wakey, wakey... C'mon, we need to get you all cleaned up."

"Jus' five minuets?"

"Tell you what, I'll go out, buy pizza and hair dye and we'll fix you up good, you look really skinny."

Seán smiled, his eyes closed.

"I'll be back in about half an hour, OK?"


Mark ruffled Seán's hair lightly before leaving for the 24 hour store.

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