Chapter one

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"That's him!"

"You wanna run Mark?"

"Of course I do, I like running, you of all people know that Felix"

Mark unbuckled his belt, his uniform consisted of a blue shirt, black trousers and a black tie, he had various different equipment and pockets. The badges on his chest clinked when he jumped out after Felix slowed down.

Mark was a police officer, one of the best in the force. He wore slim lined glasses and had red topped hair, it was fairly short but it still flowed backwards in the wind, the sides of his hair were a jet black and almost faded into the night.

Seán ran as fast as he can, he could hear someone running behind him, he couldn't get caught, the fear was making his blood run cold and his legs turn to jelly.

"Stop! Police!"

Marks deep voice called; he was determined to catch Seán. Seán looked back to catch a glimpse of Mark who was approaching, the adrenaline of the moment fueled him to run faster. It was like a cheater trying to catch a gazelle, both were very fast animals but one had its faults and soon enough: Seán tripped over on a slab and tumbled onto the wet ground, he grazed his knee, ripping his trousers and hit his arm bad.

"Ahh shit!"

He cursed to himself. It was all over now. Mark ran to him and crouched.

"Are you badly hurt?"

"Why do ye care!"

"Because I'll get you medical attention if you need it."

"Piss off!"

Mark sighed and went to move Seán's hands behind his back.

"Ah! Shit! Owe stop!"

Seán felt warm tears prickle in his eyes, the pain hurt so bad.

"We'll take you to the station and get you a doctor."

"Don't need one."

Mark rolled his eyes and picked Seán up bridal style. Seán's eyes widened, what was he doing? He felt weird. His instincts screamed at him to run and get out of this grasp whereas part of him felt safe and secure in his arms. It's game over anyway.

"What happened bro?"

"He tripped in the chase, think his arms fractured or something."

"Is that why you haven't cuffed him?"

"Yeah, I'll sit in the back with him."

Felix nodded and climbed back into the police van whereas Mark walked in with Seán in his arms. Seán gulped and closed his eyes as Mark set him down, closed and locked the door.

"You alright?"

"Bit claustrophobic..."

Mark nodded, Seán was shaking.

"Do you want to tell me what's gone on?"

Seán looked at Mark for the first time, the light from the dimly lit van reflected through his broken ocean blue eyes.

"I can't"

"How so?"

"T'ey'll kill me. Can I please go? I've got t'ings to do."

Mark chuckled a little.

"Sorry man, it's not how it works... But uh, whose going to kill you?"

Seán looked away and frowned, his heart was racing and he was sick to the stomach with fear.

"I can't say..."

Good Cop, Bad Boy - SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now