Chapter two

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"Seán... Seán wake up."

Seán turned away from the voice and waved his hand dismissively.

"I brought breakfast."

The voice spoke again, this time Seán sat up and turned to see Mark. His hair was a mess and his blue eyes were half open.


"I got some toast from my office."

Mark handed Seán the plate and watched him chow down.

"So um... How did you sleep."

Seán stopped eating and cleared his mouth.

"Actually... T'is is t'e best I've slept in a long time."

"That's good.... I'll be back at 11:00. We need to interview you."

Seán rolled his eyes. He knew what Mark meant. He's seen too many shows to know that 'we' is a couple of strangers.

"Not happening."


"I'm not going."

"You have too."

"Make me"

"You know I will Seán"

He hesitated; Seán knew perfectly well he didn't have a choice. He was just petrified, but he wouldn't admit it. His expression softened and he looked down at his toast.

"Mark I... Please.... I don't want t'e go...."

"You don't have a choice."

Seán frowned, he could usually get Mark with that.

"If I tell-"

"Don't talk your way out of it Seán,"

Mark said standing up. He spoke strongly and he towered over Seán making him feel genuinely scared. He wimpered and shuffled back, Mark rolled his eyes and walked out of the cell. Seán felt sick. He was really scared.


"Seán McLoughlin you are here on account of theft, fraud and illegal affiliation with an organised crime group. How do you plead?"

Seán was sat in a darkish room with two scary looking police officers. He was sat by a table with them while Mark was outside or something.

"I t'oug't yer supposed to do t'at in court."

One officer slammed his hand on the table and started to yell.

"Now tell me everything you know!"

Seán jumped and shuffled back, he was terrified, he didn't want to go to prison or anything but he didn't want to be free and be in the clutches of the boss.

"I can't!"

Seán yelled back. The officer got up, walked around to Seán and pinned him against the wall while he was still in the chair.

"You will tell us, or else."

Seán was shaking, he was trying his best not to cry. Mark came in just in time, he had four coffee's.

"What are you doing to Seán?"

The officer that held Seán stood up, Mark put the cups down and scowled at him. Seán got up, ran to Mark and hid behind him.

"The poor lad is terrified and your just making it worse for him."


The officer said.

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