Chapter 12 (Part 2)

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Previously on Zane x Reader.....

You say to Valkyria, "We have to go back to the abandoned dorm." Valkyria yells, "Y/N RHODES, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"  You flinch at her angered tone and calmly answer, "I understand your concern but I have to do this." Dark Magician Girl remarks, "Please sister, listen to Y/N. I know it sounds dangerous but we have to follow every lead we can salvage."  Valkyria exhales, "Alright, I won't question your instinct. Let's go."

A menacing figure stood in front of several unconscious figures. They were the missing students of Duel Academy. There in front of her was Jaden Yuki, the Rhodes siblings, Syrus Truesdale, Jesse Anderson and other students that became victims to the darkness. The figure cackles, "Soon I will have my revenge!" The figure watches from a carmine orb, gazing at your sprinting figure with a smirk. The female adds, "Goodbye little girl, let your heart lay within the pits of despair and rot in the shadows like your precious friends."

***Back to present***

Valkyria said, "Stay on guard, something seems suspicious about this sudden arrival." You enter the dorms and begin to walk around within its depths. You could feel your heart beat erratically with a sense of danger. You spoke with determination, "Don't worry everyone, I'll find you and bring peace back to Duel Academy." Zane, where could you be at a time like this?

You froze when you saw her. Her eyes bored into your own. Murky depths of hatred and disgust were evident within her. The female demon smirks, "Why do you look so surprised? You should be happy that you're joining your friends here." You reply, "Leave them out of this!" She adds, "I saved the best prize for last." Suddenly, two metal doors open to reveal someone. You cry, "No, Zane!" He was chained to a wall, his eyes closed. The female demon remarks, "I'm not alone, you foolish girl. I have someone else here with me." You recognized the girl and growl, "Yumiko. I should've known." She laughs, "What a shame, I thought you'd be on our side. You're making a mistake, Y/N." You reply, "I vowed to protect my friends and the people I care for the most! I am not going to break my promise to them, no matter the consequences." You think to yourself, "I promised everyone that I would protect them. I may not be able to protect them physically but I will always protect their spirits."

A banner of light appeared in front of the unconscious students making all the spirits stunned for a moment. Yubel questions, "Where did this light come from?"  Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl look at each other with knowing looks. Valkyria whispers, "Y/N. Please be careful, my mistress."  Ruby Carbuncle jumped on her master's head, attempting to awaken him from his slumber. Slowly, Jesse's eyes began to open. He groans, "Ruby stop, that hurts." The little feline mews with happiness. Jesse asked, "Wait why're we all chained up? Where's Y/N?" Ruby Carbuncle points to a crystal orb. Jesse's eyes widen, "Zane?!? Look that's Y/N!" Jesse heard another groan, "Ugh, my head." Alexis bolts up, "Where am I?!?" She was in shock when she saw Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl and Ruby Carbuncle. She asked, "Am I dreaming? Are you guys real?" Dark Magician exhales, "This is no dream, Alexis." Her eyes enlarge, "You know who I am?" The two Spellcasters look at each other knowingly. Dark Magician Girl replies, "Yes, actually. Our mistress speaks of you quite a bit." She adds, "You know who she is, Alexis." Alexis answers, "I'm sorry I don't understand." Amores of Prophecy appears, "News flash! It's Y/N, you dolt!" All your spirits yell, "Amores!" The female spirit shrugs, "Someone had to say it." Alexis answers, "That's crazy! Y/N can talk to spirits, that's new."

You could hear your sister's voice speaking. She's okay, thank goodness.

Alexis' eyes enlarge once more, "She heard me? B-But how?" Alexis heard your voice once more, "I promise that I won't let you all down. Duel Academy isn't going to be ruled by the shadows, I'll make sure of it. Noxaura may be the goddess of the shadow demons, but I have the heart of my deck." Alexis asks, "What does Y/N mean about what she just said? It doesn't make any sense to me." Amores answers, "Just watch and you'll see, Alexis."

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