#4 How he wakes you up <3

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Harry: So you had been busy at work all day yesterday and you was so tried today so being you, you get up and make him breakfast and he can see how tired you are. He thanks you for he's food and kisses you and then says 'Baby go up to bed get some more sleep I'll wake you in a bit' with that you kiss him and off you go.         *4 hours later*          Harry walks into the room lays next to you and says 'Come on, you've had enough beauty sleep now you. Don't need any more your perfect enough already.' He then kisses you on the forehead and you roll over to look at him and say 'I love you styles' and kiss him, he then says 'yay I woke you up, now get showered and dresses were going out for dinner'. You smile and do as he says.   

Niall:  You roll over still asleep and feel you boyfriend Niall is not beside you so then you think he's in the loo or just getting food you hear him walk in the room.  But you don't open you eyes, He then says in he's sweet Irish accent 'I made you breakfast but I had to test it for you' your grown because you know what he means by 'test it', you open your eyes to see Niall in he's shorts with no top on holding 1 slice of bacon, 1 egg and 1 sausage. You both laugh you then look at him and say 'You better be joking with me Horan or you and not sleeping in this bed tonight' He walks out and comes back with a plate that was more full, you kissed him and say 'I love you Nialler' he looks at you and says 'I love you too princess'.

Liam:  Liam being your wonderfully boyfriend and being just him comes and wakes you up and says 'Y/N please get up you have been asleep for more then 8 hours, you've had enough sleep.' we will not have time for breakfast its nearly 10, knowing Liam likes you two to have breakfast time at 9:30. You grown as he calls one of the boys to see how they wake up there girlfriends, the boys tell him all different things he try's them all, not knowing your awake and pretending he then kisses under you ear (Niall told him to try that) you end up bursting into laugher and he looked at you wired then tickled you because he knew you was awake you just wanted to see how far he would go to get you up.

Zayn:  Okay so Zayn said to you the night before lets go out for breakfast tomorrow so you agree, knowing it end up to be lunch time by the time Zayn gets ready so you and him get up at the same time saying morning kiss and etc. So then you both go of to get ready your ready first of course so you go back and lay on the bed, you fall asleep. Zayn then wakes you up saying 'So babe you get dressed and go back to sleep that's a new one' you grown and he says 'I promise if you wake up I take you to get food and we can go shopping i'll get you what you want.' You grown but say okay you still have your eyes closed and Zayn says Y/N wake up and you will see a beautiful sight in the world, you open your eyes to see Zayn holiday a mirror and then you get up kiss him and say I love you Malik, he then kisses you and says love you too Boo.

Louis: Your in bed and you know Louis is not next to you, He did tell you and hour ago to get up but you didn't listen. You hear the word carrots being said over and over again, soon you hear you bedroom door creak open and Louis goes into you en suite and turn the tap on, you know your in trouble but stay in the bed anyway knowing you had your water gun next to you, out of no were Louis walks in with a water pistol and says 'I warned you' and he soaks you, but pull out your gun and say 'its on tommo' and you day starts of normal as Louis would say. 

I would also like to thank my little 12 year old cousin for giving me ideas for each boy, thank you Jade xx  

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